Watch Justin Timberlake’s Opening Song At the Oscars And Just Try Not To Smile

Justin Timberlake opened the Oscars last night and now we all “can’t stop the feeling”
Justin Timberlake broke with years of Oscars tradition in the way that only Justin Timberlake can — by bouncing on stage with a mixture of dapper swagger and joyful euphoria.
Most Academy Awards shows open with the host delivering an opening monologue, but last night’s show began with Justin Timberlake – or as most of us know him, J.T. – sauntering into the theater with a few fist bumps to the ushers before breaking into a smile and the opening line to his hit song “Can’t Stop the Feeling.”
As he walked down the aisles, he was joined by equally dapper looking dancers – and the crowd was on its feet. And by “on its feet,” I mean shaking their groove thing and feeling the vibe, because fancy gowns and Spanx aside, it is impossible to sit still when this song comes on. It truly is the epitome of happy.
We ordinary folk back at home weren’t the only ones eating up J.T.’s deliciousness; the stars were loving it too.
After impressing the crowd with his ever-smooth dance moves and leaving the crowd dancing, smiling, singing at the top of their lungs, he seamlessly transitioned from his hit song from Trolls to “Lovely Day” by Bill Withers. One thing is for sure, this man has perfected the art of smooth.
He practically floated down the stairs, joining the stars in the crowd again. After high-fiving Denzel Washington, he serenaded his wife, Jessica Biel. He gave her a little twirl and, before long, the whole theater became one giant dance party.
Timberlake gave fans a sneak peek at his performance, and E! and ABC hosts dropped hints that Timberlake would open the show instead of the show’s host, Jimmy Kimmel, but no one could have predicted that the crowd would erupt with this much joy. Or maybe you could have. It’s one hell of a catchy song.
Even though Timberlake didn’t win the award for Best Original Song (congrats to Justin Hurwitz for “City of Stars” from the movie “La La Land” for that one), he still wins the award for Best Opening Song from us. He probably takes the award for Smoothest Man On Stage as well, but I digress.
The night might have ended with the biggest blunder since Steve Harvey and the Miss Universe pageant (the winner for Best Picture is “La La Land” — no, wait! — it’s “Moonlight”!), but it’s opening was sheer perfection. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll just be over here watching this video of delicious happiness on a loop.
This article was originally published on