Julia Louis-Dreyfus' Sons' Ode To Her Last Day Of Chemo Is The Best

Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ two sons inherited their mom’s comedy chops in this video
Ever since Julia Louis-Dreyfus revealed her breast cancer diagnosis three months ago, people everywhere have been cheering her on. Her VEEP costars, fellow actors, friends and family have all publicly shared their support. Her sons, however, take the cake when it comes to honoring their mom.
Once you see the hilarious music video they made to celebrate Louis-Drefyus’ last chemo treatment, you’ll agree. She took to Instagram to share the video in which her sons, Charlie and Henry Hall, lip-synched to a little Michael Jackson just for her.
How could anyone else “beat” that? Personally, I refuse to believe there is really any occasion in life — good or bad or in between– where a Michael Jackson song isn’t the perfect way to liven things up.
Seems like these fellas may have inherited their mother’s incomparable sense of humor. You’ve gotta hand it to Charlie and Henry because they are going all in for their mama in this video. One thing is for sure: these boys sure do love her.
Diagnosed back in September, Louis-Dreyfus shared the news just one day after winning her sixth consecutive Emmy award for her role as Selina Meyer on VEEP.
“One in eight women get breast cancer,” she wrote in the caption. “Today, I’m the one.”
In the note to fans, she mentions having a “glorious” support group, and if the months afterward were any indication — she’s absolutely right. Her castmates even threw together a little inspirational music video of their own to the tune of Katy Perry’s “Roar” (because there’s truly no better battle song).
Louis-Dreyfus proves there is no one on the face of the earth who could handle a cancer diagnosis with more aplomb and humor. Take her Thanksgiving Instagram post, for example:
“Getting ready for the holidays with my awesome Xmas cocktail.” She isn’t obligated to share intimate details of her life or her journey with cancer with anyone — and yet she does, because she knows 1.) people care about her, and 2.) many other women who have battled breast cancer can relate.
Here’s hoping Louis-Dreyfus has seen the last of chemotherapy and has a happy, cancer-free year ahead of her. We’d all love to see her “beat” it.
This article was originally published on