There's A JoJo Siwa Tour Coming -- Parents, Prepare Yourselves

JoJo Siwa announces upcoming concert tour and new EP
If you have kids of a certain age, chances are excellent that talented triple threat JoJo Siwa (dancer/singer/actress) has invaded your world. Whether you have a child obsessed with her extremely huge hair bow line, or her YouTube videos play at your house on a loop, Siwa’s presence in the lives of grade school kids (and their parents) is pretty much unavoidable. And guess what?
Now you’ll possibly get to see her in concert next summer.
Siwa, whose rise to fame began with appearances on the popular reality show Dance Moms, announced to her loyal crew of Siwanatorz that her concert tour would happen next summer with dates in 22 U.S. cities. According to Billboard, she’s also releasing her first EP, titled D.R.E.A.M. on November 16, which is also the day tickets for her tour go on sale.
If you’re not familiar with JoJo’s particular brand, just know that it’s a lot like a Justice store and a whole lotta glitter. Like, A LOT.
She’s clearly got huge talent and truly, good for her, but let’s face it — this is not music or entertainment made for adult enjoyment. Much like we dutifully take our little ones to events such as Paw Patrol Live and Disney On Ice, we will have to hit up concerts like this with our excitable fifth graders.
I have one kid in fourth and one in sixth — and Siwa’s tour is coming pretty close to me.
But Siwa preaches confidence and being yourself, which is never a bad thing. We prefer this to other obsessions your kid could have (sup, Fornite). She’s talented, adorable and perky. Like, really perky.
Here’s a sampling of the sick beats you’ll have to rock out to for a good two hours next summer.
Look — I went to the Victoria Justice/Big Time Rush tour and it was actually super fun. It’s the music the kids like and they’ll have a great time, so maybe we will too. Sigh.
The tour doesn’t kick off until May 2019, so there’s still plenty of time to argue with your partner over who will chaperone this event for your kids.
If you want to hop on tickets as a very glittery Christmas gift, here’s all the info.
This article was originally published on