Once Again, Jimmy Kimmel Gets Parents To Steal Their Kids' Halloween Joy

These kids were not having it this year
We’ve all moved past Halloween and are already furiously decorating our homes for the holidays (just me?) but we need to take one brief step back into October because Jimmy Kimmel aired his annual compilation of videos sent in by parents who convinced their kids that they ate their Halloween candy, and it may be the most hilarious one yet.
Already in its eighth year, Jimmy Kimmel Live! has been asking parents to pretend they ate their kids’ Halloween stash and record the carnage that unfolds. And if tricking your kids and making them cry isn’t bad enough, Kimmel then shares those reactions with the world so we can all have a good laugh at their emotional state.
This year, Kimmel said they got over one thousand videos and went through all of them to find the best of the best. “We find out just how easy it is to take candy from babies,” Kimmel said before unfolding 2018’s finest.
First up is this adorable little boy who’s clearly frustrated upon hearing the news. Even his sister in the back is like, “Whoa guys, I think you may have taken this little prank one step too far.”
Image via YouTube/Jimmy Kimmel Live
But then, he quickly becomes concerned that his parents will get sick and end up pooping “all over this floor” from all that candy. Their faces…we die.
Image via YouTube/Jimmy Kimmel Live
Other reactions ranged from shock, anger, and even one little boy who says he’s not mad and could never be mad because, “you’re my mom.” OUR HEARTS.
Then, there’s this little girl who decided to use the “I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed in you” trick out of the old parenting bag. Well played, lady friend.
Image via YouTube/Jimmy Kimmel Live
And this little guy who’s positive if he stares into his bucket long enough, the candy fairy will replace it all again. If only, buddy.
Image via YouTube/Jimmy Kimmel Live
And these two cuties who have entirely different first reactions — one crumples immediately to the floor in disbelief while the other stands judging his parents with one of the best stink-eyes we’ve ever seen, then shrugs like, “ah well, you win some, you lose some.” This kid is going to go far in life.
Image via YouTube/Jimmy Kimmel Live
This girl has officially had it and screams that she hates her mom and that “no one’s getting in” her room, slams the door, reopens it to yell some more, then slams it again for dramatic effect. Based on the sign on her door, she’s not too keen on sharing herself with her family anyway. Relatable, sis.
Image via YouTube/Jimmy Kimmel Live
These two were very particular in their sadness, for M&M’s and Starbursts respectively.
Image via YouTube/Jimmy Kimmel Live
Image via YouTube/Jimmy Kimmel Live
Obviously, in the end we’re sure the parents let their kids in on the joke and they all lived happily ever after. But, if we can’t make our kids’ lives miserable for a minute for our own giggles every once in awhile, what’s even the point of having them?