Jessica Simpson Announces Pregnancy With Adorable Instagram Post

Jessica Simpson is pregnant with baby #3 and her announcement is adorable
At this point, we’ve seen just about every cute pregnancy reveal possible. And yet, Jessica Simpson’s announcement might make you swoon a little. It involves kids and balloons and a high level of cuteness. You’ve been warned.
Simpson took to Instagram to share the big news. First, she posted a picture of her two kids holding up a pair of massive black balloons along with the caption: “SURPRISE…”
And then BAM. The balloons were popped to reveal a whole bunch of bright pink smaller balloons. “This little baby girl will make us a family of five,” Simpson wrote. “We couldn’t be happier to announce this precious blessing of life.”
I have mixed feelings about gender reveals in general (I am a grinch), but this managed to make my heart pretty happy.
She also debuted her new baby bump and it’s just all-around adorable honestly.
Last year, Simpson appeared on The Ellen Show and shut down rumors that she was expecting a child with her husband Eric Johnson. “I’m not pregnant,” the singer said. “We got an IUD, nothing’s gonna get in that uterus. I have two beautiful children and I’m not having a third.”
She also told Entertainment Tonight that it would be a “miracle” if she were to get pregnant again. Though, she noted that her and her husband do “always practice.”
If Johnson has anything to do with it, Simpson is in for a blissed out pregnancy. She told Ellen that her husband gives her a back rub on a daily basis. Yup. I am also currently seething with envy.
“Every night he does since I was pregnant, hands down, even if things aren’t going great and he’s still snoring, somehow he knows how to massage my back,” she said.
*Sigh.* This family is doing it just right. And it doesn’t hurt that they photograph very, very well.
A big congratulations to the whole family on their new addition. I will be listening to the classic Jessica Simpson album “In This Skin” on repeat to celebrate.
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