Jessica Simpson Is Living The Most Relatable Pregnancy Life

We feel Jessica Simpson’s pregnancy pain, we really do
Jessica Simpson is pregnant with her third child and her entire gestational journey has been a delight to follow on Instagram. Maybe not for her, but for fans and those of us who have been pregnant before — it’s a treat. Because she’s having the most relatable pregnancy ever. We feel her pain.
If Simpson’s last few Instagram posts are any indication, she is beyond ready to have her baby. And with this being her third go-around with pregnancy, who could blame her?
“Tight squeeze but I’m pushin’ through.” LOL. Her face says it all. She might be miserable, but she’s got one hell of a sense of humor about it.
In another post, she shares that she’s now had to drastically alter her sleeping arrangements because of third-trimester acid reflux.
OMG. Is there anything worse than trying to comfortably sleep while heavily pregnant? I remember posting up on the couch during months eight and nine, surrounded by every throw pillow we owned at the time. And sure, I knew that once the baby came I wasn’t going to be sleeping at all. But I tell you what, those 3-4 hours a day were a hell of a lot more comfortable minus the giant bump!
Yesterday, Simpson posted about her latest pregnancy…uh…mishap.
“Warning…Don’t lean back on the toilet when pregnant.” While it’s hard not to chuckle about this (and surely that was her intent in posting it), it’s also hard not to relate. Sure, maybe we all don’t break toilet seats whilst pregnant, but I’m sure plenty of us have no shortage of humbling moments and memories to share.
My feet were so swollen and I had such a hard time bending over, I had to ask my husband to fasten the only sandals that fit me at the time. Eventually I just gave in to some cheap ass flip-flops and slippers because I stopped giving a shit. I had to buy a step stool to hoist myself into our bed (until I couldn’t sleep in it anymore). My toddler now uses said stool to brush her teeth, so…win-win.
Speaking of swollen preggo feet — hoo boy, Jessica Simpson has got us covered there, too.
Last month, she shared a photo of her painfully swollen feet and ankles. She crowdsourced some remedies ahead of her baby shower because girlfriend probably knew she’d be on her feet all day.
After a cupping sesh, she revealed what she called her “skankles” — skinny ankles.
Basically, Jessica Simpson is living that pregnancy life and living it in a way that literally all of us non-celebs can relate to. She looks like a normal (if exceptionally beautiful and perfectly done-up) pregnant woman, and we love her for it. And, best of all, she’s in the home stretch!