Jennifer Aniston Surprises 'Friends' Fans On Central Perk Set

Jennifer Aniston shocked ‘Friends’ fans who were visiting the set of Central Perk from the popular 1990s sitcom
Of all the fictitious television show hangouts, Central Perk from Friends is one of the most famous. So many memorable scenes of the popular hit series took place in the adorable little coffee shop that supposedly resided in New York City during the 1990s. A few diehard Friends fans got the surprise of their lives on Thursday during a visit to the show’s Los Angeles set, when who jumped out to surprise them, but one of the show’s main stars, Jennifer Aniston.
The 50-year-old actress was spending her day subbing in for Ellen DeGeneres as guest host of her daytime talk show The Ellen Show, since Ellen had to go to the DMV to get her driver’s license renewed. Well, ICYDK, the show is filmed on the Warner Bros. Studio lot, which, in addition to being the set of many different shows, actually hosts studio tours so that fans can experience firsthand sets from the studio’s most popular movies and television shows.
Since Aniston happened to be in the neighborhood, she decided to swing by her old caffeinating hole — and it made for the perfect skit. Here’s how it went: a group of unsuspecting fans would be ushered onto the couch, handed a faux cup of java, and on the cue “lights, camera, and latte,” were expected to smile for the camera. Only instead, Aniston would jump out and surprise them.
“Espresso!” she shouted to one group of shocked tourists. “I know, it’s the cruelest thing in the world,” she added.
“Are you really here, is this real?” another superfan asked her, in absolute disbelief that the recent SAG winner was in the flesh. “I live here,” Aniston joked.
Another hilarious touch was when the cameraman would ask some of their fans who their favorite character on the show was. Crazily enough, not one of them mentioned Rachel, who Aniston played.
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,” she said to a group of girls who favorited Phoebe and Monica.
We can only pray that her recent visit to the set is a sign she is ready to return to the Friends set for good. There has been chatter of a reboot of the show, which Aniston recently teased on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert that “something is happening” — admitting “we don’t know what that something is.”
But regardless, it is obvious to everyone that Jennifer Aniston is clearly winning this week. Not only did she take home her Screen Actor’s Guild Award for her performance on The Morning Show, but people haven’t been able to stop talking about how amazing she looks — or about that moment she shared with ex-husband Brad Pitt after scooping up her SAG trophy. Then, just days later, she totally kills it with laughter during this epic hosting gig. Like fine wine, the actress is truly getting better every year.