A Designer Debuted This Ridiculously Itty Bitty Purse During Fashion Week

This miniature designer bag is the perfect size, TBH
It’s Fashion Week, y’all. I don’t know about other moms, but as I sit here in my hole-y sweats and stained t-shirt from a breast cancer walk I did back in 2008, I feel fully qualified to make judgments on absolutely nothing making its way down the runway. HOWEVAH — I do know style when I see it and this itty bitty purse is now a thing I desperately need in my closet because it’s the perfect size to hold all the f*cks I no longer give.
This tiny wonder was debuted by French fashion designer Jacquemus at the label’s Fall 2019 show during Paris Fashion Week. It can probably fit a single earring (a stud, no hoops, let’s not go nuts here) and also the amount of patience I have left for my kids and their nonsense. It comes in multiple very cute colors and the craftsmanship is undeniable. I think? I honestly know nothing but I’m just rolling with being a fashun expert today.
The brand is enthusiastically promoting the doll-appropriate purse, and honestly, I want their confidence. Either they knew this would become a viral sensation or they’re that out of touch with how much shit the average women is forced to cart around these days.
They actually used the mini bags to send invites to their show and they’re so tiny and precious and too pure for this world.
FYI, if the purse is just a little too ridiculously weenie for you, they do sell a slightly larger version that might fit an entire sock. Not a pair.
There’s room for like, one lip gloss, a few Tums, and a credit card. Which is really all I need anyway providing I’m not traveling with my kids.
Aside from having space for one miniature essential, these bags are also the perfect size to hold: my remaining patience with the current presidential administration, my available time to volunteer with the PTA, and the Advil required after attempting a single Zumba class.
Versatile AF.
Anyone IRL who questions your decision-making after you bust this little baby out, tell them it’s fashion, look it up.