Videos Show Italians Singing From Balconies While Quarantined

Italians are flooding balconies to connect through music
As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread across the globe, we could all use a reminder that the human spirit is unbreakable. Videos are coming out of Italy showing people on their balconies singing and playing music, and it’s a tribute to the resilience of mankind.
COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on the country of Italy. According to the Civil Protection Agency, the total number of dead because of the virus is — at the time of publishing this article — at 1,266. The total number of cases in the country has increased 17 percent, from 15,113 to 17,660. As quarantined individuals try to keep their spirits up, many are singing, dancing, and playing music to connect with one another any way they can.
One video captured in the city of Siena shows residents signing a song titled “E mentre Siena dorme” (“And While Siena Sleeps”), usually sung to show pride for the region.
Another video shared on Twitter showed people in Rome singing as well. “You can put Italy in lockdown, but you can’t take life out of Italians,” one woman captioned the video.
Another shared a scene from Sicily, captioned, “Ahhh. Love this one from Sicily #Italy, also today. Elderly, kids, men, and women are on balconies/windows singing, drumming, and breaking silence of #Coronavirus.”
In the U.S., President Donald Trump declared a national emergency on Friday, coming as public and private institutions have canceled major events, temporarily banning large gatherings, and schools in many states have closed, with students now attending classes online. Many corporations have told employees to work from home, all in an effort to slow the spread of the virus.
Italy recorded 250 deaths in the space of 24 hours, the Civil Protection Agency said, and has been the most impacted country outside of China. On Wednesday, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said that supermarkets and pharmacies would be the only retailers to remain open. The country is under a national lockdown restricting citizens’ movement and activities through April 3.
It’s a terrifying prospect, but it seems at least some Italians are making the most out of a heartbreaking situation. One video from Naples shows dozens of people on their balconies singing “so everyone feels less lonely.”
Another video captured a woman playing the violin, giving neighbors a free concert in Bologna, Italy.
It’s clear Italians are full of joy finding ways to connect to each other — and it’s a beautiful thing to witness.