63 Italian Last Names That Are *Chef's Kiss* Bellissimo!
For your little bambino or bambina.

Ahh, Italy… the land of rich history, great food, and surnames that roll off the tongue. Italian last names have infiltrated our globe, screens, and brains throughout their long existence. With Latin roots, each surname tells a story about a family’s geographical, occupational, or characteristic origin.
Whether it’s belonging to you, your neighbor, or your Hollywood favorite, you’ve heard a charming Italian last name and wondered about its meaning at some point. We’re here to help! We’ve compiled a list of popular Italian last names and their unique meanings. If you’re here looking for some answers, you should know you’re in good company.
Italian names usually stem from four groups. They can be patronymics, which means they come from an ancestor’s first name. This is why there are names like d’Alberto or d’Angelo, which sound a little like first names but are typically surnames. Then there are last names that come from geographical areas or where a family is from like Di Genova or Napolitano. Other family names are usually descriptives or nicknames like Franco, or Betto or describe an occupation like Carpenteri, which means carpenter. Italian surnames can also be creative and originate from the names of insects or birds.
Like most of the architecture and towns in Italy, they can also tell a story. Some last names recognize certain histories or describe important events or narratives that mean a lot to the family. According to the latest search data available, Italian last names and their meanings are searched for nearly, 40,500 times per month.
For those who want to feel a little extra Italiano, we’ve also included their pronunciations. The italics represent the syllable where you should put the most stress. Viva l’Italia!
If you’re interested in the last names and meanings of other countries, check out our package on last names from around the world. See how many you recognize: French, Russian, Mexican, Brazilian, Portuguese, Japanese, Hawaiian, Jewish, British, and Korean last names, among others.
Common Italian Last Names
1. Pesci
Pronunciation: Pesh-ee
Meaning: Fisherman.
2. Morelli
Pronunciation: Mor-ell-lee
Meaning: A Moor or a person of dark complexion.
3. Giuliani
Pronunciation: Ju-lee-ah-nee
Meaning: Youthful.
4. D’Angelo/D’Angeli
Pronunciation: Dan-jell-o/Dan-jell-ee
Meaning: Messenger or angel.
5. Bruni
Pronunciation: Buh-roo-nee (rolled R)
Meaning: The color brown or a dark-haired person.
6. Piazza
Pronunciation: Pee-ahh-sa.
Meaning: Town square.
7. Caputo
Pronunciation: Cah-pooh-to
Meaning: Large-headed or strong-headed.
8. De Rossi
Pronunciation: Deh-ross-ee (rolled R)
Meaning: Red-haired.
9. Manzo
Pronunciation: Man-tso
Meaning: A person resembling an ox.
10. Florentino
Pronunciation: Flor-en-tee-no
Meaning: A Florentine or a person from the city of Florence.
11. Ricci
Pronunciation: Ree-chee (rolled R)
Meaning: Curly-haired.
12. Bonetti
Pronunciation: Bon-eh-tee
Meaning: Hatmaker.
13. Scavo
Pronunciation: Scah-vo
Meaning: Serf or slave.
14. Porzio
Pronunciation: Por–tsee-oh
Meaning: Hog.
15. Giudice
Pronunciation: Ju-dee-chay
Meaning: Judge or justice.
NBC/T. Kyle
16. Tarantino
Pronunciation: Tar-an-tee-no
Meaning: A person from Taranto, a town in Southern Italy.
17. Vitale
Pronunciation: Vi-tah-lay
Meaning: Life.
18. Armani
Pronunciation: Ar-mah-nee (rolled R)
Meaning: Man of force.
19. Greco
Pronunciation: Guh-reck-oh (rolled R)
Meaning: Greek or a person from Greece.
20. Ferraro/Ferrari
Pronunciation: Fer-ah-ro/Fer-ah-ri (both Rs are rolled)
Meaning: Blacksmith.
21. Pacino
Pronunciation: Pah-chee-no
Meaning: Peace.
22. Di Maggio
Pronunciation: Dee-maj-eoh
Meaning: The eldest son.
23. Capone
Pronunciation: Cah-poh-nay
Meaning: Large-headed or arrogant.
24. Saccone
Pronunciation: Sah-coh-nay
Meaning: A maker of sacks and bags.
25. Argento
Pronunciation: Ar-jen-toh
Meaning: Silver or grey-haired.
26. Romano/Romani
Pronunciation: Ro-mah-no/Ro-mah-nee
Meaning: Roman or a person from the city of Rome.
27. Bianco
Pronunciation: Bee-yan-co
Meaning: White.
28. Valentino
Pronunciation: Val-en-tee-no
Meaning: Healthy.
29. Leto
Pronunciation: Leh-to
Meaning: Joyful.
30. De Niro
Pronunciation: Deh-neer-oh
Meaning: Of black or dark hair.
31. Bianchi
Pronunciation: Bee-yan-ci
Meaning: A small town in Cosenza, Calabria.
32. Lastra
Pronunciation: Laa-stra
Meaning: Flat slab of rock.
33. Allegro
Pronunciation: Al-lé-gro
Meaning: Brisk tempo.
34. Abruzzese
Pronunciation: A-bruz-zé-se
Meaning: Someone from the region of Abruzzi.
35. Agosti
Pronunciation: A-gó-sto
Meaning: Favored with good omens.
36. Amato
Pronunciation: A-mà-to
Meaning: Beloved.
37. Fiorentino
Pronunciation: Fio-ren-tì-no
Meaning: A person from Florence.
38. Milanesi
Pronunciation: Mi-la-né-se
Meaning: A person from Milan.
39. Russo
Pronunciation: Rùs-so
Meaning: Redhead.
40. Bruno
Pronunciation: Brù-no
Meaning: Brown.
41. Accetta
Pronunciation: Ac-cét-ta
Meaning: Welcome or well-liked.
42. Baio
Pronunciation: Bà-io
Meaning: Horse.
43. Barone
Pronunciation: Ba-ró-ne
Meaning: Bravery or courage.
44. Esposito
Pronunciation: Es-poˈzi-to
Meaning: Exposed.
45. Mancini
Pronunciation: Man-chee-nee
Meaning: Left-handed.
46. Gallo
Pronunciation: Gal-low
Meaning: Rooster.
47. De Luca
Pronunciation: Deh-loo-kah
Meaning: Son of Luca.
48. Abate
Pronunciation: A-bà-te
Meaning: Priest.
49. Abruzzese
Pronunciation: A-bruz-zé-se
Meaning: Abruzzian or from Abruzzo.
50. Accardo
Pronunciation: A-card-o
Meaning: Edge of a sword, bold, or hardy.
51. Accomando
Pronunciation: A-coo-mando
Meaning: German shepherd dog.
52. Aceto
Pronunciation: A-cé-to
Meaning: Vinegar or acetic acid.
53. Achille
Pronunciation: Ah-kee-ley
Meaning: A Greek warrior and leader in the Trojan War. A hero of Homer’s Iliad.
54. Acierno
Pronunciation: A-chair-no
Meaning: Of steel.
55. Acquaviva
Pronunciation: Acqua-viva
Meaning: Living water, running water, or spring.
56. Aloisio
Pronunciation: Ahl-oh-ee-zee-oh
Meaning: Famous warrior.
57. Altadonna
Pronunciation: Alta-dunnah
Meaning: High lady or tall woman.
58. Altamura
Pronunciation: Aal-tuh-mur-uh
Meaning: High walls.
59. Altieri
Pronunciation: Uh-eh-lee–ei
Meaning: Old, to practice, experienced person, or a person who works with richness.
60. Abano
Pronunciation: Ah-bahn-o
Meaning: Water.
61. Abbandonato
Pronunciation: A-bahn–doe-not-o
Meaning: Forsaken, abandoned.
62. Zabatino
Pronunciation: Z-aah–ba-tee-no
Meaning: Saturday.
63. Zara
Pronunciation: Z-aahd-ra
Meaning: A person from the city of Zadra
Funny Italian Phrases
Not only is Italy beautiful, but its culture is filled with gorgeous phrases you can use to face life’s ups and downs. Here are several common phrases, along with their Italian translation, to help you along.
- In bocca al lupo. Translation: In the mouth of the wolf. Meaning: Good luck or break a leg.
- Ubriaco come una scimmia. Literal translation: Drunk like a monkey. Meaning: To be wasted.
- Avere le braccine corte. Translation: To have short arms. Meaning: This phrase is used to describe someone who is cheap or stingy with their money.
- Hai voluto la bicicletta? E adesso pedala! Translation: You wanted the bike? Now you’ve got to ride it! Meaning: I told you so…
- Non avere peli sulla lingua. Translation: Without hair on his tongue. Meaning: To give a ruthless and honest opinion.
- Non avere peli sulla lingua. Translation: Without hair on his tongue. Meaning: Not to mince one’s words.
- Gettare la spugna. Translation: To throw in the sponge towel. Meaning: To give up on someone or something.
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