These Insta Accounts Will Inspire You To Save (Instead of Spend) Money

I was a teenager in the ’90s when everything was about keeping up with the Joneses. It was all about excess, owning stuff, and having better and more than everyone else. If you didn’t have the cool stuff, you didn’t matter. Trying to keep up was exhausting. Back then, everything cool was expensive.
After the big financial crisis of 2008, however, things started to shift a bit, and now it seems being frugal is trendy again. Families are discovering that they can live on a lot less than they thought. Minimalism and frugal living are in; overspending and extravagance is out. And we are here for it.
There are some brilliant people leading the pack on this new way of living by sharing how they have cool and interesting lives — on a budget. If you’re looking for some inspo to help you tighten the financial belt a bit, or maybe just live a more minimal lifestyle, look no further than these frugal folks.
1. Erin and Ro from @brownkids
The first couple that makes me want to cut all of my credit cards up and limit my trips to Target are Erin and Ro. They live on $16,000 a year in a tiny apartment in Baltimore, and their Jar Method helps keep produce fresh longer. Their IG feed is a great example of what a rich life truly looks like. Scrolling through their feed is calming and inspirational, but what I connect with the most is Erin’s writing. She educates and tells a story in a way that makes me feel like living the life of my dreams is possible without going broke.
2. Jordan from @funcheaporfree
With five kids and one on the way, Jordan from @funcheaporfree makes me tired just looking at her feed. When I see how much money she’s able to save by managing her budget like a boss, I perk right up, though. Jordan is also a whiz at productivity and can help you get more done in less time in between money saving tips. Jordan’s reminders that it’s okay to love on yourself and treat yourself to things that make you feel good (like manicures!) are totally okay, even if you’re saving.
3. Melody from @brokeonpurpose
I’ve been following Melody from @BrokeOnPurpose since the very beginning of her journey. She and her husband were drowning in college debt, so they decided to save themselves. The Broke On Purpose method, which includes budgeting and mindset changes is a perfect tool for couples who are looking to save better. I love how transparent Melody is, even sharing how much they’ve paid off and how far they have to go. That kind of openness reminds me that saving money and being debt-free is totally possible.
4. Shannon from @shannonsoine
Shannon from @ShannonSoine lives in a tiny house with her adorable pups and guy. Oh, and she’s not buying anything new for herself for six months. My favorite part of Shannon’s feed is watching how she makes no excuses. From exercise to entertaining, she shows that it can all be done in her little home. The glimpses that she shares into her life shows that there is plenty to keep a gal busy, even if you don’t living in a mansion.
5. Hannah from @hmrinaldi
Hannah’s mom once told her that her family was rich–with love. Her account, @hmrinaldi shares that lesson with all of us on Instagram. From budget travel to practical advice on saving with a family, Hannah’s account is down to earth and totally inspirational. I love how Hannah goes deeper on her account than just how to cut costs. She talks about truly creating a life you love — just with less money.
6. Amiyrah from @4hatsandfrugal
Amiyrah from @4hatsandfrugal is a baller on a budget. Even though she wears a lot of hats (including being active duty military and taking care of 3 kids), Amiyrah takes the time to teach us how to live a full life on less. She has a series where she shows us how to buy groceries for an entire family for a week for just $64 from different stores. She completely changed the way I shop. Watch her stories and IGTV for daily saving tips.
7. Talaat and Tai from @hisandhermoney
Do you dream of paying off your house now rather than 30 years down the line? Well, power couple Talaat and Tai from @hisandhermoney did exactly that. Talk about #moneygoals! Their feed is filled with motivation that makes me want to get my butt in gear. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been playing around on Instagram, just wasting time, and one of their memes ends up on my timeline reminding me to get back to work so I can pay these bills off. Their podcast is a must listen, and they always share a preview of each episode on Instagram so you won’t miss it.
8. Tonya from @myfabfinance
Why is it so hard for some folks to save money? Are some people just destined to always be broke? Tonya from @myfabfinance doesn’t just show us how to put money away, she digs in to really help us understand our relationship with money. Also? Homegirl has a way to nail a message. I can’t get enough of her mic dropping money wisdom that empowers so many women to do better financially.
I don’t know about you, but I feel like socking some money away for a rainy day now!
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