The Attacks On Paris: Ways You Can Help And The Best Resources For Information

As more details emerge from yesterday’s deadly terrorist attacks on Paris, France, many Americans may be wondering how they can help and where to find the most reliable information. We may be far away, but we feel the impact of these horrific acts and there are concrete ways to make a difference.
Donate to the Red Cross
The French Red Cross is in need of funds but happily, not volunteers. Hundreds are already on the ground helping in the wake of the attacks. There are also long lines of Parisians donating blood at many clinics. You can donate money to the French Red Cross here.
Check in with loved ones
Image via Facebook
Facebook has enacted it’s Safety Check feature for those wanting to check in with family and friends after the attacks to let them know their status. It’s normally only for use in natural disasters, but is available now.
Use the hashtag “strandedinUS”
Much in the way Parisians used #PorteOuverte to assist those in need of shelter during or after the attacks, Americans can use #strandedinUS to help French people who are now stranded in America due to canceled flights home to Paris.
For information on U.S. citizens in France
Anyone can call this number and try to find information on U.S. citizens in Paris.
Our thoughts go out to any and all affected by these tragic events.
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