How to Get the Minimalist Style You Want in 7 Easy(ish) Steps

Who among us hasn’t secretly dreamed of waiting until cover of night and then throwing away 70% of the stuff in our house? Maybe it was stepping on a tiny plastic toy one time too many that did it, or the realization that your six-year-old somehow has more pairs of shoes than you do, but most of us have craved a minimalist, clutter-free space at one point or another.
The good news is, there are tips and tricks you can use right now to get that fresh, minimalist look and feel you want — without actually having to pitch everything you own.
1. Color Me Inspired
Minimalist style sounds good, but what does it actually look like? Color is a key component — maybe the component — that determines the look and feel of a space. We all have our favorite colors, but it can be a little daunting to start the process of finding shades that you love but also work well together.
So, before you commit to any changes in your space, take the Sherwin-Williams® ColorSnap® Color ID Quiz. It’s a fun set of questions (like “Which plant speaks to you?”) to help you choose from a thoughtfully curated set of colors that allow you to mix and match with confidence. The quiz asks you questions to help pinpoint your style personality and visualize how your finished project will look.
2. Let It Flow
Quizzes are fun, but can they really help you decide something as seemingly abstract as what color to paint your walls? With the Color ID quiz, the answer is a resounding yes.
Once your quiz results confirm that you are, in fact, embracing a Minimalist style, you’ll see your fresh, sharp palette as well as imagery that incorporates the colors on walls, trim, and furniture. Maybe you want to transform your entryway. If you’re considering painting the walls Magnetic Gray SW 7058 with trim in Snowbound SW 7004, use the ColorSnap® Visualizer for Web and you can actually preview how they look together before committing. Stick to your palette and the expertly-paired shades will enable you to achieve a stylish and inspiring room-to-room flow, no matter which colors you choose to put together.
3. Spotlight What Matters
Minimalist doesn’t mean bare or empty; it means putting the focus on elements you actually want to highlight: Fresh, premium colors. Simple, unfussy decor items. With a little less stuff and colors that complement without competing, you can choose which elements take center stage. It allows you to focus on the little things — just not the ones you’re stepping on. This style helps you notice the beauty of a backsplash. Or those cute throw pillows you forgot you had.
4. Color Is Self-Care
We all have our faves. That color that just makes you feel at peace. Or content. Or inspired. And there is absolutely no reason you shouldn’t have it in the space where you can be your most relaxed, truest self — your home. And Sherwin-Williams is committed to bringing you that color wherever, whenever, and however you want it. From trying to buying to loving, at Sherwin-Williams, you’ll always get your color, your way. You deserve it.
5. Clutter Be Gone
Attempting to embrace a minimalist style with kids in the house may feel like brushing your teeth while eating cookies — which is definitely a thing kids do — but the two really can coexist peacefully. The secret? Bins and baskets. In shared spaces like hallways and kitchens, they look sophisticated and grown-up, especially when you choose calming, neutral colors. Select fun storage pieces to complement your sharp new Sherwin-Williams Minimalist Color ID palette and conquer the clutter that tries to spring up in every room, every day.
6. Yes, Cozy Minimalism Is A Thing
Stowing kids’ stuff and keeping things from piling up on the coffee table doesn’t mean you can’t have throw pillows, candles, or seasonal decor. There’s a happy medium between “stuffed to the gills” and “stark and echoey.” You can find that balance we’re all seeking and live in a space that’s both welcoming and unfussy.
7. Purge
Ok, maybe don’t throw out 70% of your stuff. But honestly, it makes sense to get rid of things we aren’t using and probably won’t use again. As a mom, you’re managing enough. Free yourself from the burden of managing a bunch of extra stuff, too.
Once you’ve finished your minimalist space, be sure to post it online with tag #SWColorLove so the rest of us can live vicariously through you. But first things first: take the Sherwin-Williams ColorSnap® Color ID Quiz so you can start your project by zeroing in on the color palette that suits your personality best.
From trying to buying to loving, at Sherwin-Williams, you’ll always get your color, your way.
This article was originally published on