8 Easy To Care For House Plants That You Won't Kill This Time Around

Do you want to live in a lush green home that makes you feel like you’re living in a shampoo commercial, but instead feel like you’re living in a dead plant cemetery (RIP plants). If you’re over dealing with weeds outside and ready to look for indoor plants, we get it. We’ve been there! But that doesn’t mean you should give up on your dream of a verdant home!
Here are some low maintenance plants that you definitely won’t kill this time.
Spider plant
Spider plants are super chill. They thrive indoors in indirect sunlight, and just need your occasional watering. These plants like to dry out between waterings, so don’t water them too often, and you’re golden.
Lucky Bamboo
The lucky bamboo could be the lucky winner in the staying alive plant lottery! These cute plants — that actually aren’t bamboos at all — can stay alive in a vase with some water. No need for soil! According to Chinese tradition, the number of stalks you have will bring you luck in different aspects of life. The Spruce has a handy guide on that.
The lucky bamboo thrives with some sun but still won’t die if you place it in a darker place. You’ll need to change the water every couple of months, but other than that, as long as you make sure that its roots aren’t dry, you’re pretty much golden.
Devil’s ivy
The devil’s ivy got that name because it is pretty much impossible to kill. That’s bad news for professional outdoor gardeners who do not want it around and good news for you, aspiring gardener with zero green thumbs! The devil’s ivy does well in most light conditions (though not in complete darkness or super bright direct light) and does ok even if you forget to water it once in a while.
Peace lily
Peace lilies are so pretty, and that’s why they’re a favorite among house plant lovers. They thrive in indirect sunlight and with soggy soil, so don’t wait too long between watering it. Still, this plant is fairly easy to keep alive, and purifies the air in your house! Do keep in mind that the peace lily is poisonous and should be placed away from the reach of children and pets.
Jade plant
This symbol of good luck might just change your luck with houseplants — and stay alive. All the jade plant needs is direct sunlight and the occasional watering. A good rule is to water it whenever the soil is starting to dry, according to Gardening Know How — they also recommend fertilizing it every six months.
Snake plant
This plant is also called (cringe!) “Mother-In-Law’s Tongue.” But it’s actually quite a beautiful plant, so maybe that’s a compliment? Either way, the snake plant is easy to keep alive (just like ugly antiquated notions about mother-in-laws, amiright?!). It just needs indirect sunlight and the occasional watering. In the summer months, give it a good watering every few weeks, and in the winter, every month will do, according to The Farmer’s Almanac. They also suggest keeping the plant away from any cool breezes and drafts.
Aloe vera plant
Another great succulent to try is the aloe vera plant. According to The Farmer’s Alamac, you should put your plant in indirect sunlight and water it every three weeks, and even more sparingly in cold seasons. Plus, you can use the juice from the leaves to cool down burns. Just make sure not to ingest it!
Rubber plant
If you’re looking for more of a tree-like plant, consider the rubber plant — it has gorgeous big leaves and is also very photogenic. According to Joy Us Garden, the rubber plant needs to be watered every week or two (less in the winter months, more in the summer) and some indirect sunlight. Get ready to feel like you’re in an indoor jungle with this easy to grow beauty!
Synthetic plants
Listen, sometimes, you just gotta fake it so your plants can make it. Even the easiest-to-keep-alive do have some demands, like occasional watering and fertilizing. If you’re a person who travels a lot, or just have too much going on, that may be too much to ask for. The good news is that fake plants definitely don’t look as tacky as they used to, and there are a lot of great options available on Amazon and other online retailers.
Related: Houseplanting Is The Hobby I Didn’t Know I Needed After My Divorce
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