Hot Dog Flavored Ice Cream Is A Real Thing That Exists Now

Oscar Mayer will launch its new “ice dog sandwich” this week in New York City
Today in “I’m sorry, can you repeat that?” news, Oscar Mayer has revealed their plans to make a hot dog-flavored ice cream sandwich. Oscar Mayer, in collaboration with New York City-based Il Laboratorio Del Gelato, plans to launch this unique dessert on August 12 in New York City and they’re calling it the “ice dog sandwich,” because get it? Hot dog, ice dog. Yeah.
The “ice dog sandwich” is comprised of hot dog-flavored sweet cream, actual candied hot dog bits, and spicy mustard ice cream sandwiched between two cookies aka the “buns.” The brand announced the news on Twitter earlier this month alongside one of those “Twitter polls,” and out of the 5,060 people who voted, a resounding 72% of people politely passed on the idea of consuming an “ice dog sandwich.”
Starting August 12, the Wienermobile will drive around New York City handing out hot dog ice cream for free. You can follow Oscar Mayer on Twitter to keep abreast of the Wienermobile’s location (FYI: the truck will be in Bryant Park around lunchtime on Wednesday, August 14) in case you are dying to know what candied hot dogs taste like.
If you want to try the ice cream outside of NYC, you can slide into Oscar Mayer’s DMs. However, too many people did that (yes, really) and now their DMs are temporarily closed. According to the hot dog giant’s Twitter account, they will open a raffle on August 14, where you can enter to win some of this coveted savory ice cream.
Not surprisingly, Twitter had some reservations about ice dogs.
In Oscar Mayer’s defense, they called it “a delicious flavor that will NOT disappoint,” and even doubled down on Twitter by writing: “We ARE hot dog fanatics and would NEVER put out a flavor that isn’t delicious!”
Interestingly, this isn’t the first savory or meat-based ice cream to exist. West Coast-based artisanal ice-cream makers — Salt & Straw — specialize in savory ice cream flavors like “Caramel Corn On the Cob” and “Salted Caramel Thanksgiving Turkey,” and I can attest to the fact that Salt & Straw’s bizarre vegetable and meat-flavored ice cream is actually really good.
Plus, French’s just debuted mustard ice cream, so clearly, a savory ice cream renaissance is among us. Maybe “candied hot dog bits” are the new candied bacon bits? Speaking of French’s, the mustard giant got into something of a Twitter spat with Oscar Mayer over who has the premiere mustard-flavored ice cream, and wow, we can’t believe that’s a real sentence we just typed.
Listen, we all got behind the idea of frozen fruit punch that you suck out of a plastic tube (Otter Pops, anyone?), so who knows — maybe ice dogs are the next big thing?