Hostess Just Turned All Your Childhood Faves Into Ice Cream

Yup, it includes Twinkies and Ding Dongs
It may be frowned upon to regularly snack on Twinkies as an adult — but anyone can get away with hoarding pints of ice cream, right? That’s why it’s pretty exciting that Hostess has partnered with Nestle Dreyer’s to bring the favorite treats of our childhood into the ice cream section.
“We continually seek to reinvent our classic treats and are excited to have this new innovation added to the freezer aisle,” shared Hostess Vice President of Marketing Ellen Copaken in a statement. For more than a year the dessert creators at Hostess and Nestle Dreyer’s have been perfecting the new recipes.
Without further ado, here are your new favorite frozen creations:
First up, the Twinkie Cone, which consists of “Twinkie-flavored frozen dairy deliciousness” and is then topped with golden sponge cake crumbles. Twinkies aren’t necessarily a go-to snack for an adult, but damn this ice cream cone sounds fantastic. And rumor has it the cone also has a chocolate coating inside.
Next, there’s the frozen Ding Dong, which is essentially a fancy ice cream sandwich. Hostess said it’ll remind you of their classic cakes – only cooler. This treat has a smooth chocolate shell with vanilla ice cream inside. There’s five in a box. Want.
Moving right along, you can now find frozen Sno Balls in the freezer section. I’ve never had a Sno Ball, but apparently, it is a “pink, coconut-dusted ball of marshmallowy goodness.” The ice cream version has a chocolate center with a vanilla layer and flakes of coconut. It sounds so sugary sweet we might puke. Sold.
And for ice cream purists, there’s also three new flavors available in pints and cartons based off of Hostess treats. The Twinkies option has a rich, butter cream ice cream base with bite-sized sponge cake pieces and sweet frosting mixed in.
The Sno Balls option starts with marshmallow ice cream then gets fancy with chocolate cake pieces and a whipped pink coconut swirl.
And the final flavor, pictured above, should be a hit with fans of Hostess’ classics. The CupCakes flavor takes chocolate ice cream and upgrades it 100% with bite-sized cupcake chunks and creamy frosting swirled throughout.
BRB buying one (maybe three) of each.