Hillary Clinton's Election Night Party Venue Has Us All Cheering

Hillary Clinton’s campaign announced the location of her election night party and the symbolism has us all nodding our heads in hell-yeah nasty woman solidarity. In invitations sent to Capitol Hill on Wednesday, it was announced that Hillary, her family, and her supporters will be spending the night she presumably becomes the 45th president of the United States under, wait for it…an actual glass ceiling.
While the event details haven’t been revealed, it is clear that she will be hosting her victory party at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in Manhattan. The convention center, built in 1986, is made almost entirely of glass and could not be a more perfect venue to celebrate the victory of the woman who is about to shatter the ultimate glass ceiling: becoming the first female president of the United States. Madam President! Has a nice ring to it, huh?
High five to her team for coming up with the greatest photo op ever.
To add insult to already glorious injury: During the planning phase for the convention center, Donald Trump attempted to step in and lend his name to the project, offering to let the city use his name on the building for a mere $833,000. The city of New York turned him down, choosing instead to name the facility after a United States senator who’d passed away that year.
LOL forever, Donald. But nice try.
In 2008, when Hillary lost the Democratic primary to Barack Obama, she said, “Although we weren’t able to shatter that highest, hardest glass ceiling this time, thanks to you, it’s got about 18 million cracks in it and the light is shining through like never before.” She went on to say that she was filled with hope that her path to the White House would be easier the next time around. I remember watching that speech and thinking that I hoped there would be a next time, that she would indeed run for office again so that perhaps my daughter and I could watch a woman be elected into the highest office in the land.
Little did we know that her next bid for the presidency would pit her against a racist, misogynistic blowhard. I don’t think any of us saw that coming, am I right?
It’s bad enough that it’s taken this long for us to elect a female president, but Donald Trump and his chauvinistic, sexual predator ways have made this campaign particularly bitter for millions of women. We’ve watched over the last 18 months as he’s continually degraded women and lied about his behaviors and political policies. Not to mention getting caught on tape admitting to sexual assault. For many of us, Hillary’s victory is so much more than just a woman becoming president: It’s about standing up to a man who has treated women like shit for his entire life. Hillary’s win will be a giant FUCK YOU to misogyny, double standards, and gender inequality.
And that’s why this glass ceiling venue could not be more perfect. On election night, surrounded by her supporters and watched by millions on a live-stream, Hillary is going to literally and figuratively do what’s been in the making for more than 200 years: She’s going to burst through that ceiling that so many of us have been waiting to see smashed to smithereens. She’s going to become our first female POTUS, and women around the country will be basking in the rain of the sparkling glass remnants falling down around us. Hillary’s win will teach our daughters that they really can do anything they set their minds to, that when we say, “You can be president someday,” it’s actually a true statement, a tangible dream.
At political victory parties, it’s traditional to shower the candidate with balloons when the candidate declares victory. Even Bill Clinton delighted in playing with the balloons that floated down on the DNC attended after the convention was over.
But guess what? No need for balloons this year, guys.
Hillary has the celebratory diamond confetti shower covered on November 8.
This article was originally published on