High School Senior Breaks Down Importance Of Vaccinations In Viral Thread

High school student tweets the highlights of her senior paper on vaccinations
Taylor Sharp just graduated from Greensburg Salem High School and is about to enter her freshman year at Slippery Rock University this fall. Before leaving high school, she wrote a fact-filled and kick-ass senior paper all about the magic that is vaccines, which is amazing, because in the age of “Fake News,” the truth is in danger now more than ever.
Sadly, in the year of our Lord 2018, there are still people who loudly doubt the efficacy, safety, and necessity of vaccines. Apparently those people either don’t own a history book or think Dr. Google knows best because, despite overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary, there are still those who believe vaccines are bad news.
That’s why the internet’s giving a standing ovation to Sharp, who tweeted the highlights of her research paper accompanied by appropriate GIFS. Because no matter how serious the topic, it is 2018, after all.
Her intro is simple, but solid.
Then she hits us with some pretty startling truths.
Go ahead and come at her — these terrifying facts are backed by the CDC.
She explains the concept of herd immunity.
Which, if it fails, will be every bit as terrifying as screaming Homer would suggest.
Because we have some very vulnerable populations who can’t be vaccinated and need that protection.
She also tackles one of the most common arguments an anti-vaxxer will cite in their claim that vaccines are dangerous — the ingredients.
Which include the pervasive (but false) idea that thimerosal is in all vaccines. It’s not.
Whew. That’s a lot of hardcore truth in one Twitter thread.
Sharp tells Scary Mommy that although her future plans don’t include becoming a doctor, she still sees the topic of vaccines as a highly relevant one for her eventual career. “I’m not going into anything in the medical field, but I am going to be studying international education, so I think it’s important to have vaccinations because I’m going to be traveling and could bring dangerous diseases back into the country.”
In conclusion?
Mic. Drop.
This article was originally published on