10 Heart Coloring Pages That Your Little Sweetie Will Love

To quote Elizabeth Stone, “Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” Wow, that really resonates, doesn’t it? So, if you’re looking for an indoor art activity for you and your little one to do together, we can think of few better than heart coloring pages — and because the mere thought of our relationship with our littles tugs on our heartstrings, we created some free printables you can download for that very purpose. Prepare for a ton of fun with your kiddo!
It goes without saying that these would be perfect for Valentine’s Day. But, because your children are so special to you, these coloring pages honestly make sense any day of the year. They pair perfectly with warm hugs (shout-out to Olaf from Disney’s Frozen), uncontrollable giggling, candy hearts and, naturally, every shade of red and pink in the crayon box. Once your little artist turns all of these printables into a masterpiece, they can move right along to our coloring pages themed around spring, princesses, puppies, and unicorns.
Free Heart Coloring Pages
1. Arrow Heart
Being a parent sometimes feels like having your heart pierced, right? Sure, sometimes it’s a bad pang. But often, it’s a good pang — the kind that causes happy tears. Which, in full disclosure, you might spill as you watch your little one color this cute page. Fun fact: Did you know whales have the largest heart compared to any animal? No wonder they’re such gentle giants! On the other hand, the fairy fly, a type of wasp, has the smallest heart of any living creature.
2. Love Heart
You already know your heart is figuratively filled with love for your child. Now, they can literally fill in this heart with the word “love” as a nod to your maternal guidance and affection. And make sure to take extra care of your heart during the holidays. Heart attacks usually peak around Christmas Day and New Years. Most myocardial infarctions also happen on Mondays. The earliest case of heart disease was actually found in a 3,500-year-old Egyptian mummy.
3. Petal Heart
As Marcel Proust said, “Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” So, consider your kids master gardeners, and let them cultivate a piece of art to hang on your wall out of this page.
4. Patterned Heart
Give your kiddo some food for thought while they fill in this coloring page: If their heart actually had a pattern, what would it look like? Would it have polka dots? Squiggles? And just because we’re coloring hearts does not mean we have to stick to hot hues like red. Each heart is unique, so make sure your kiddo has a rainbow of crayons to choose from. Take it a step further and have them flip the page over and create their own custom heart print on the back.
5. Another Patterned Heart
For this patterned heart, challenge your budding artist! Ask them how many different colors they can incorporate into all of these blank spaces. Offer plenty of words of encouragement as they get creative with color. Also, have you ever wondered how big your heart is? Well, if you clasp your hands together that’s about the size of your ticker. Your nugget will be so amazed! Here’s another cool factoid: The American pygmy shrew’s heart ticks at 1,200 beats per minute.
6. Heart Balloons
If you want to score serious brownie points, you could buy your little one a bunch of balloons to go along with this coloring page. Don’t stress, though — your little one will love filling these in either way.
7. Flower Heart
Check out that big, bold blossom right in the center of this heart! It’s like a combination of a sunflower and a mandala, which provides a great opportunity to teach your little lovebug about both. This heart looks strong and unique, much like the human one. In fact, hearts are so tough they can continue beating even when disconnected from the body. This is both eerie and incredible — kind of like this picture.
8. Another Flower Heart
This flower heart features a series of concentric circles that seem to form one gigantic bloom. Or numerous smaller blooms, depending on how you look at it. In fact, that’s a cool bonus activity — have your kiddo count how many blossoms they see. And speaking of numbers, did you know that the human heart beats about 100,000 times a day? That is one hardworking heart. Your heart’s aorta is also as big as a garden hose!
9. Doodle Heart
Is it just us, or does this look like it would make a super-cute stained-glass suncatcher? If you’re particularly crafty, you can probably even figure out how to turn it into one! Much like the heart in your chest, this heart is complex and fragile. If you’re looking to strengthen yours, laughter is the best medicine. It improves your immune system and reduces stress!
10. Envelope Bursting With Hearts
Let’s be real: If you were to fill an envelope with your feelings for your child — or vice versa — this is essentially what it would look like. And isn’t that a precious thing? If you want to challenge your kids a little more, tell them to write little messages or words in the hearts that relate to love. That way, you can sneak in a writing lesson during arts and crafts without your child noticing.
Click here to print all of the heart coloring pages at once!
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