Gwen Stefani Pulls Bullied Fan Onstage After Spotting Mom’s Sign

Gwen Stefani’s random act of kindness towards a bullying victim is going viral
Gwen Stefani is on tour promoting her latest album, This Is What The Truth Feels Like, but during a concert stop in Florida on Monday night, she took the spotlight off her music for a moment to focus on something even more important. After finding out a young fan in the crowd was a victim of bullying, she called him up on stage for an impromptu meet and greet that left him — and the rest of the audience — in tears.
Between songs at her show in West Palm Beach, Stefani noticed a woman in the crowd, holding a sign that said, “My son was bullied from first to fifth grade. He’d come home every day upset, but he’d go to his room, listen to your music, and smile.”
Stefani read the sign out loud, and then turned to the boy and shouted, “Get up here right now!” He came up on stage, clearly overwhelmed with emotion and with tears in his eyes, and she held his arms up in the air in a victory pose. The crowd cheered and they hugged, then Gwen posed for pictures for his mom and gave him what looked like a loving, encouraging pep talk off to the side of her microphone.
Later that night, Stefani took to Instagram to share both the video above and another photo with the boy and his mom backstage. In the caption on her video, Stefani wrote, “About three years ago when things were hard in my life I prayed to God everyday that I could get a chance to use my gift that God gave me and make a difference in some way in this world – last night this little guy was the answer to my prayers.”
As a mom, it’s heartbreaking to think about what this innocent, sweet little kid has gone through for five whole years of his life. It’s equally heartbreaking to think about how his mom must have felt all that time, seeing her son hurting and not being able to stop it. Over 3.2 million kids are victims of bullying each year in the U.S., and the National Association of School Psychologists reports bullying is the most common form of violence against young people.
Gwen Stefani’s kind act at that show was about more than just brightening a bullying victim’s day. It was a way of showing support for him and his entire family, and it was a message to everyone at the show and everyone who sees her video that bullying is never okay. She definitely impacted more than just one kid, and if she wanted to use her voice to make a difference, well, mission accomplished.
This article was originally published on