Someone Live-Tweeted Greta Gerwig Hating Amy Schumer's New Movie

I Feel Pretty really doesn’t seem like Greta Gerwig’s type of movie, but we’re so glad she went
There’s a pretty major cinematic difference between, say, Ocsar-nominated film Lady Bird, and any movie starring Amy Schumer. Greta Gerwig’s directatorial breakout was a critical darling, while Schumer’s flicks tend to be panned by reviewers. Lady Bird was a smart, dark comedy with a very slow-burning script. Schumer favors slapstick and potty humor. No matter which one you prefer, you’re not wrong! All movies are made to entertain, and if you’re entertained, you’ve made the right choice at the box office. There’s just not a lot of natural overlap between fans of the two.
Yet Gerwig went to see Schumer’s I Feel Pretty. We’re not sure why. It definitely doesn’t seem like the kind of movie she’d enjoy. But she went anyway, and we’re so glad she did. And not only did she go, she loudly critiqued it in the theater, and the innocent moviegoer sitting behind her live tweeted all of it for the enjoyment of the masses.
This thread is better than any movie, TBH.
It all started when Twitter user Jaye Hunt went to see a Wednesday matinee of I Feel Pretty. She pretty much had the theater to herself — until Gerwig walked in with her crew.
She taught us about Gerwig’s theater snack habits, which are not exactly healthy, but then, half the reason you go to the movies is to justify eating buttery popcorn and Raisinettes for dinner, so no judgement.
Even watching Gerwig watch the trailers before the actual movie was delightful, so we all should have known what we were in for with this live tweet.
When the movie started, though, is when things got really hilarious.
There was this very relatable moment:
And this one. Validation for every time someone has shushed me in a theater (or anywhere, really; yes, it has happened a lot).
Honestly, Gerwig might be the most relatable moviegoer of all time.
Hunt wondered if she was going to get caught at one point, but thankfully, Gerwig’s commentary kept right on going.
And the review that told us more than any critic ever could:
Now that this whole situation has gone viral, all we want to know is what Gerwig and Schumer think. Sadly, though, Gerwig is one of those cool millennials without social media, and Schumer hasn’t publicly commented. Hopefully there are no hard feelings, because the world needed to hear this.