55+ Greek Last Names To Fill You With The Strength Of The Gods

Last names are great bridges between a family‘s past and present. Greek last names come from a country of an elaborate history and a culture so rich, it has remained strong from generation to generation. Some stem from ancient times when Greek mythology was going strong, while others show signs of the emergence of Christianity in Greece. Several derive from Hebrew given names.
We’ve compiled a list of popular Greek surnames that showcase various points in the country’s history. Read on to see the meaning behind these last names and their Greek spellings.
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Walt Disney Pictures
- Drakos
Greek spelling: Δράκων Meaning: Dragon or ogre.
- Servopoulos
Greek spelling: Σερβόπουλος Meaning: Son of a Serb.
- Papadopoulos
Greek spelling: Παπαδόπουλος Meaning: Son of a priest.
- Galanis
Greek spelling: Γαλανής Meaning: Someone with light blue eyes.
- Lykaios
Greek spelling: Λιάκαιος Meaning: Wolf.
- Danielopoulos
Greek spelling: Δανιτόπουλος Meaning: Son of Daniel.
- Christodoulopoulos
Greek spelling: Χριστοδουλόπουλος Meaning: Descendant of Christ’s servant.
- Aetos
Greek spelling: Αετός Meaning: Eagle.
- Moustakas
Greek spelling: Μουστάκας Meaning: A person with a mustache.
- Papadakis
Greek spelling: Παπαδάκης Meaning: Father or priest (with ‘akis’ suffix stemming from Crete).
Channel 4
- Georgiou
Greek spelling: Γεωργίου Meaning: Wife or kin of Georgios.
- Ioannou
Greek spelling: Ιωάννου Meaning: Child of John.
- Demetriou
Greek spelling: Δημητρίου Meaning: Child or follower of Demeter, the Greek goddess of fertility.
- Bakirtzis
Greek spelling: Βακιρτζής Meaning: Coppersmith.
- Hasapis
Greek spelling: Χασάπης Meaning: Butcher.
- Chloros
Greek spelling: Χλώρος Meaning: Green.
- Angelopoulos
Greek spelling: Αγγελόπουλος Meaning: Son of the messenger/angel.
- Iraklidis
Greek spelling: Ηρακλίδης Meaning: Son of Hercules.
- Papazoglou
Greek spelling: Παπάζογλου Meaning: Priest’s son.
- Doukas
Greek spelling: Δούκας Meaning: Duke or lord.
- Florakis
Greek spelling: Φλωράκης Meaning: ‘Flor’ referring to a flower, blossom, or virginity, with the ‘akis’ suffix stemming from Crete.
- Adamos
Greek spelling: Αδάμος Meaning: Son of Adam.
- Andino
Greek spelling: Αντίνο Meaning: Manly.
- Ariti
Greek spelling: Αρίτη Meaning: Approahcbale, generous, and friendly.
- Argyros
Greek spelling: Αργυρός Meaning: Silvery.
- Baros
Greek spelling: Μπάρος Meaning: Happy, clay, or lucky.
- Bouras
Greek spelling: Μπόρας Meaning: A woolen cloth, coarse and reddish-brown with long hair or someone who worked in the wool trade.
- Castellanos
Greek spelling: Καστελάνου Meaning: Castle.
- Chaconas
Greek spelling: Chaconas Meaning: An inhabitant of the eastern side of Peloponnese.
- Christoforou
Greek spelling: Χριστοφόρου Meaning: One who is bearing Christ.
- Condos
Greek spelling: Condos Meaning: Short.
- Cirillo
Greek spelling: Meaning: Lord or masterful.
- Diakos
Greek spelling: Διάκος Meaning: Deacon.
- Diamandis
Greek spelling: Διαμαντής Meaning: Diamonds.
- Dougenis
Greek spelling: Ντουγκένης Meaning: Slave or servant.
- Drivas
Greek spelling: Δρίβες Meaning: Tree.
- Economos
Greek spelling: Οικονομός Meaning: Steward.
- Eliades
Greek spelling: Ηλιάδης Meaning: Comes from the biblical name Elais.
- Elias
Greek spelling: Meaning: Jehovah of God or Lord of God.
- Eliopoulos
Greek spelling: Ελιόπουλος Meaning: Nestling.
- Filo
Greek spelling: Φίλο Meaning: The horse’s friend.
- Fotos
Greek spelling: Φωτο Meaning: Light.
- Frangopoulos
Greek spelling: Φραγκόπουλος Meaning: Descendant of a Frank.
- Gabris
Greek spelling: Γκάμπρης Meaning: Derives from the name Gabriel.
- Galatas
Greek spelling: Γαλατάς Meaning: Someone who comes from a family that sells milk.
- Gataki
Greek spelling: Γατάκι Meaning: Kitten.
- Halkias
Greek spelling: Χαλκιάς Meaning: Coppersmith.
- Hasapi
Greek spelling: Χασάπι Meaning: Butcher.
- Hondros
Greek spelling: Ονδρος Meaning: Fat.
- Iordanou
Greek spelling: Ιορδάνου Meaning: Flow down or descend.
- Kallis
Greek spelling: Κάλις Meaning: Best.
- Kappas
Greek spelling: Κάππας Meaning: Large.
- Nephus
Greek spelling: Νεφός Meaning: Son of God who will eventually become God.
- Nicolaides
Greek spelling: Νικολαΐδες Meaning: Derives from Nicholas.
- Nomikos
Greek spelling: Νομικός Meaning: Relating to the law.
- Onasis
Greek spelling: Ωνάση Meaning: Lover.
- Nanos
Greek spelling: Νάνος Meaning: Dwarf.
- Othonos
Greek spelling: Όθωνος Meaning: Fortune or wealth.
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