Grandma Surprises Her Husband With Boudoir Pics

This grandma‘s sexy photoshoot is too perfect for words
This grandma is truly teaching us all a lesson on how to keep things hot and spicy when you’ve been married to the same person for a long time. The key? Boudoir photos.
But these aren’t just any boudoir photos. Take a look at these images, youngins, and then take notes.
Lisa Bishop, a mother and grandmother from Georgia, wanted to surprise her husband Mike with some racy images. But they also have a humorous twist — and for that, we should all be grateful.
Bow down to the reigning queen of boudoir.
Image via Roaming Magnolias Photography
Bishop’s daughter, Samantha, is a photographer. She and her mom came up with this delightful idea.
Image via Roaming Magnolias Photography
“I’m a boudoir photographer and my mom and I talked about doing a shoot,” Samantha tells Scary Mommy. “She said she’d only do one if we could do it in a bathtub full of yarn.”
Image via Roaming Magnolias Photography
Image via Roaming Magnolias Photgraphy
Lisa told Samantha she originally wanted to do the shoot for Samantha’s dad as a joke, but actually got really into the idea while the photoshoot unfolded.
Image via Roaming Magnolias Photography
Yes, those are Werther’s Originals sensuously cascading down her bare legs. Lisa is not here to play.
Image via Roaming Magnolias Photography
The photoshoot’s props are all Lisa’s. “She’s an avid crocheter, so we already had the yarn on hand,” Samantha says.
While everything from the tub of yarn, the crochet magazines, and the needle-between-the-teeth have provided all the makings for the best boudoir photoshoot we’ve ever seen, the cutest part of the whole thing is undoubtedly Lisa’s husband.
His reaction to seeing the photos is priceless.
Image via Roaming Magnolias Photography
Image via Roaming Magnolias Photography
Look. At. His. Face. He’s guffawing! His rosy cheeks and gleeful eyes are so pure.
Samantha left a few pages in the back of the photo book blank, which she says was great news for her dad: “Oh good, there’s room for more.”
You bet there is, Mike. And your beautiful wife better keep living her best life and fill those pages right up.
Image via Roaming Magnolias Photography
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