Drink Coffee Like A Gilmore Girl At Luke’s Diner Pop-Ups Across America

Gilmore Girls fans can finally visit Luke’s Diner
Run don’t walk to your local Luke’s Diner to sip free coffee like a Gilmore Girl today, Oct. 5. This is not a drill, people. As we anxiously await our favorite fast-talking mother-daughter duo to grace TV screens, Netflix is turning 200 cafes into Luke’s Diner so fans can have a proper Gilmore Girls experience.
All Gilmore Girls fans know that the best coffee is served by Luke inside his Stars Hollow diner. So to celebrate the 16th anniversary of the Gilmore Girls original television premiere Netflix is throwing a coffee-lovers dream for fans across the U.S. and Canada. Baristas, likely without Luke’s grumpy charm, will don blue hats and aprons and serve about 250 12-ounce cups of coffee at each location, Eater Detroit reported.
Gillies, what die-hard Gilmore Girls fans are called, will likely be in line early for the 7 a.m. event start time so plan on an early morning. While there’s at least one Luke’s Diner pop up in each state, many cities have a few great locations in case your enthusiasm for Lorelai and Rory is so extreme you need to take the entire morning off from work and chug 36-ounces of coffee. Just me?
The highly anticipated revival, Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life, is set to hit Netflix on November 25, which just happens to be this Gillies’ birthday. Best. Present. Ever. Like most fans, we’ve been rewatching all seven seasons in my house and seriously considering attending the Gilmore Girls Fan Fest at the end of the month that’ll transform an entire New England town into a real-life Stars Hollow.
Via Instagram.
You’ll have until noon to possibly find what Netflix described as a “fun surprise under their custom Gilmore Girls coffee sleeve.” Since we’re real Gilmore Girls fans, we’ll have a Scary Mommy writer on the scene at one of Seattle’s three locations. If you’re planning on attending, check out the full list of Luke’s Diners here and send us your pics on Facebook – just don’t let Luke see your cell phone.
Allison Warren loves Gilmore Girls so much that when she heard about the Luke’s Diner event she immediately figured out how to reschedule her day of college classes so she and mom could do the hour drive to Seattle from Tacoma. She told Scary Mommy that she loved watching the show when she was 12-years-old and still rewatches it today, and she even got her mom, Penny White, hooked on it. Here they are at Drip City Coffee this morning.
Luke’s Diner pop-up in Seattle.
The line at the downtown Seattle coffee spot wrapped around the block despite the early-morning rain. Barista Ceaser Villa said people showed up to wait in line before the store opened. He told Scary Mommy he loves the show. “Dude, I rewatch it” he explained.
Barista and Gilmore Girls fan Ceaser Villa preps the free coffee for fans.
He has three sisters, so Villa’s seen the show many times. It was a no-brainer when the idea came up to bring Luke’s Diner to Seattle. Villa told us, “When Netflix called we said, ‘Hell yeah we’re doing this!'”
Luke’s Diner pop-up in Seattle.
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