This Tweetstorm Should Be Required Reading For Those Who Don’t Believe In Sex-Ed

Magazine editor nails the reason sex ed is so important
Phillip Picardi, the Digital Editorial Director for Teen Vogue, took to Twitter recently in response to parental backlash after the publication put out an article giving helpful and truthful information about anal sex. Picardi, who is gay, took issue with the distinctly homophobic tone of the complaints and also, the aversion some parents have toward comprehensive sex ed in general.
His tweetstorm totally nailed why it’s so important for teens to have access to information about all aspects of sex.
He starts off by explaining the article that made him feel the need to speak out.
Picardi describes the homophobic (and completely crazy) emails Teen Vogue received in the wake of publishing the piece.
He tells his very personal story about his reasons for thinking teens should have access to information about sex.
It wasn’t until a health scare in college that Picardi was given the facts about protecting himself and practicing safe sex.
He explains that throughout his private school education, he learned nothing that would help keep him safe and healthy sexually.
Picardi acknowledges the oft-expressed fear of more conservative parents who believe that if kids and teens are given information about sex, they will feel encouraged to experiment.
Which is totally ridiculous, as keeping them in the dark is the surefire way to cause them real harm.
A question we should be asking certain politicians right about now.
He touches on the fact that a lot of the ire from parents about the anal sex content stems from homophobia — as well as ignorance.
And is sure to point out how in his own life, having accurate information would’ve made a positive difference.
Picardi notes how dangerous it is to leave LGBTQ teens in the dark when it comes to sex.
And ends with an epic mic drop.
Picardi couldn’t be more correct. Since the dawn of time, teens have experimented sexually — with or without their parents’ knowledge — and with or without proper sex ed. Knowing this and still insisting that teens be left with no real information aside from “don’t do it” is both dangerous and willfully ignorant.
We live in the digital age and as much as some parents don’t want to confront it, most kids will come across articles about sex — and pornographic imagery — long before we think they’re ready. By denying them factual information about sex aimed at keeping them healthy and safe, we’re putting them in danger and increasing the chances they’ll find inaccurate information that could cause them later harm.
It’s well-established that abstinence-only sexual education doesn’t work. Not only is it a damaging belief, it’s also an oxymoron — by stressing only abstinence, we teach teens and kids nothing about sex. And eventually, that lack of knowledge could cause them to make bad choices that can’t be undone.
H/T: Queerty
This article was originally published on