Artist Reimagines 'Game Of Thrones' Characters As Disney Cartoons And It's So Good

“Game of Thrones” characters reimagined in the look of Disney is the collab we didn’t know we needed
Despite Disney’s extensive catalogue (now available to stream on Disney+ for just $6.99/month), we just can’t get enough of their releases. We wish that Disney magic could be incorporated into just about everything. Like, were you sitting around today thinking about how much better the world would be if a Disney-themed version of Game of Thrones came out? No? Just me?
Anyway, a pair of extremely talented artists have made that dream come through with their genius illustrations combining the two worlds into one. Fernando Mendonça and Anderson Mahanski of Combo Estudio reimagined all of our Westeros favorites as though they’d just stepped out of a Disney movie. Disney needs to see these images and get on this reboot ASAP.
The renditions are so spot-on it’s hard to pick the best one. So far, my vote goes to this genius cartoon version of Arya Stark and The Hound. Can you even believe how cute this is? I would watch this movie in exactly one heartbeat.
Courtesy of Anderson Mahanski and Fernando Mendonça
As long as we’re on Stark siblings, behold the completely precious vision of Jon and Ghost, just enjoying life out in the frozen without a single wight in sight.
Courtesy of Anderson Mahanski and Fernando Mendonça
Oh hello, it’s Tyrion Lannister who drinks and knows things and also, makes a ridiculously cute Disney cartoon.
Courtesy of Anderson Mahanski and Fernando Mendonça
And here’s his evil sister Cersei, plotting away and looking every inch the perfect Disney villain. Ursula would crumble at the sight of her.
Courtesy of Anderson Mahanski and Fernando Mendonça
Of course, Cersei has her buddy The Mountain and the fact that Mendonça and Mehanski somehow managed to make this infamously sickening scene somehow whimsical just speaks to their talent. The actual scene is definitely not Disney-ready material, y’all.
Courtesy of Anderson Mahanski and Fernando Mendonça
Then we have Lord Varys and his “little birds” which to me, seems like an obvious choice for a collab with Snow White?
Courtesy of Anderson Mahanski and Fernando Mendonça
And we haven’t seen her in quite some time, but in this world, Melisandre is still around and apparently taking Goofy on creepy errands.
Courtesy of Anderson Mahanski and Fernando Mendonça
Ok, I have to say, the Night King in Disney form is far less terrifying and I endorse this version wholeheartedly.
Courtesy of Anderson Mahanski and Fernando Mendonça
Well. Now that our entire hearts have shattered seeing Hodor and Bran back together and totally happy in a field somewhere. Can we please greenlight this movie immediately? Our souls need it.
Courtesy of Anderson Mahanski and Fernando Mendonça
While I can’t ever call my perfect Ser Brienne a “beast” of any kind, she’s in princely attire here and dancing with her Lannister lion, Ser Jaime.
Courtesy of Anderson Mahanski and Fernando Mendonça
We saved the best for last — Dany and one of her dragons, all ready to conquer the Disney universe together.
Courtesy of Anderson Mahanski and Fernando Mendonça
It seems unfair to be teased with these amazing ideas that aren’t going to be actual movies, so all we have to say is, Disney, are you listening?
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