Little Girl's Reaction To Meeting Gal Gadot Is Why 'Wonder Woman' Matters

Gadot really is a superhero
Wonder Woman was the first superhero with a female lead coming from either the DC or Marvel comics. It was also the first big budget superhero movie to be directed by a woman. And if that’s not enough, let us also remember that Gal Gadot was five months pregnant during the action reshoots for the film. But if we needed even one more reason to love this movie and its star, look no further than this picture.
Scott Derrickson posted the sweet photo on his Twitter account with the caption “These movies matter.” Pictured was Gadot in deep conversation with a young fan at Comic-Con in San Diego wearing a Wonder Woman shirt and cape.
It didn’t take long for the girl’s family to respond in agreement. “That was my daughter. She was so happy to meet her that she was tearing up. Gal was so sweet to her. Memories of a lifetime!” Christine Keller wrote.
Shortly after, Variety Magazine released a video of the exchange and we can see it’s not just Wonder Woman making a big impression. In it, we also see a young boy in tears as he took a photo with Ben Affleck, current star of the Batman franchise. He looks thrilled to have met his hero.
Gadot comforts and engages little Ashley, who was obviously enthralled with meeting her hero. Gadot is seen taking her hand and comforting her saying, “There’s no reason to cry, all right,” Huffington Post reported. “Here we are together.” One of Gadot’s Justice League co-stars, Ezra Miller (Flash) joined in. “You’re a warrior. Your ability to cry is what makes you such a warrior. Come join the Justice League whenever you get ready,” he said.
“These characters matter and can have a huge influence on young people,” Keller wrote on her Facebook page, Danica Dreamer. “What a great role model and genuine, nice person. My daughter will always remember this moment for the rest of her life.”
These characters are larger than life and take us to a place where we feel an ordinary person can become extraordinary. I remember running around our house as a child in my Wonder Woman UnderRoos, jumping over couches, ready to take on the world. Or at the very least our family sheepdog. These movies do matter, and it’s people like Gadot that show kids how much they matter, too.
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