From The Confessional: How Moms Feel On Christmas

The Christmas season sure is magical, isn’t it? I mean, if we, the moms, actually sprinkle the magic dust all over it. Because we can be sure as fuck that no one else is going to. There’s a reason the recent SNL skit about “Mom’s Christmas” went viral—because we all could relate.
We’re exhausted from running ourselves into the ground shopping for our kids, our spouse, our parents, our in-laws, our nieces, nephews, neighbors, and teachers… and then come Christmas morning we have one gift to open—the pair of slippers we picked out and sent our spouse the link for. Wow, thanks, fam, for hitting “add to cart” literally one time. Hashtag blessed.
If you, too, feel bone tired and angry that year after year, no one appreciates all you, and no one takes the time to search for something special to make sure Mom feels loved, we get it. That sentiment is shared by moms everywhere.
So if any kids or spouses are reading this: Listen up. GET HER MORE THAN A ROBE NEXT YEAR. Get the house cleaned (or better yet, do it yourself!), get her some new Christmas decorations, get her a cute pair of boots or a pretty scarf or a new coffee mug that says something cute like “You’re a badass mom.”
But for the love, make her feel the way she makes everyone else feel. She deserves it.
Another Christmas where H gets me nothing just like my bday bc he won't go do something for someone else. He's too busy. yep, cant nap and be a decent human huh?? This is why I don't like you anymore you selfish dick face.
Confessional #25810535
There are a lot of presents under the tree. But so far the only one for me is from my mom. I’m really afraid my husband is going to “forget/not make the effort again and I’m going to cry in front of the kids on Christmas morning.”
Confessional #25810654
DH sent me a pic of a hair tool I wanted to buy for Black Friday. I was so excited he remembered. He didn’t get it though..he never gets me anything for Christmas/bday. I watch my family open presents & every year there is nothing for me. I hate it.
Confessional #25808103
DH told me not to expect him to wrap his Christmas gifts to me because he just doesn't have time. Too busy saving the planet from monsters and aliens with his gaming buddies, I guess.
Confessional #25810647
If you put zero effort into your wife’s Christmas, don’t be surprised or offended when the rest of us call you a “dick face” … you dick face.
H nonchalantly mentioned last night that his sister & her DDs "might stop by for dessert" on Christmas. Ugh. Last time he said that they showed up before dinner was ready & expected to be fed. And their dog scared my cat & shit on my floor. Fuck me!
Confessional #25810758
Asked DH to help so we can put up the Christmas tree. He came out yelled at the kids and turned the entire mood shitty. Now no one wants to do anything. I think he does that so he can go into the room and watch football. Thanks for all the help fucker
Confessional #25810918
DH apparently got me a salad spinner for Christmas and he's mad because his parents got me the same thing for my (Nov 23) bday. And is blaming me for ruining his surprise, and says he won't get me anything now. I don't even want one! Why do men suck?
Confessional #25808000
I resent the hell out of carrying the mental load in my heterosexual marriage. Christmas is my favorite holiday, but it’s feels like everyone just enjoys my hard work.
Confessional #25810919
There’s more to Christmas than clicking “add to cart” and buying a robe for Mom. Help put up the lights because they make her happy. Tidy up the house. Cook a fucking meal or wash a load of clothes. And don’t make extra work for her by inviting unwanted guests! Seriously, do you not see how tired she is?
Pretty sure we’re not getting Christmas bonuses this year. Pissed because I’ve worked my fucking ass off for this company all year through quarantine and all.
Confessional #25810517
Christmas hasn't been fun and enjoyable to me for about the last 20 years - just more responsibilities and things to do on top of an already-full plate.
Confessional #25809032
I am always everyone’s “happiness backbone during Christmas but I can’t do it this year.”
Confessional #25808975
I'm tired of Christmas. It seems like I just keep buying the same shit year after year. They love it when they unwrap it, then a week later I see it tossed onto their floor. Absolutely pointless.
Confessional #25808843
The truth is, moms are tired AF of working their asses off and not being appreciated. We can’t always do all the things and be everyone’s “happiness backbone.” Especially this year.
I am not a snob and I do enjoy a bargain, but I wish DH wouldn't buy ALL my Christmas gifts from second hand stores.
Confessional #25810467
I asked for one thing for Christmas. Help getting my house cleaned. It won't happen because I've been asking for the same thing for every birthday and Christmas for years and I'm still drowning in the mess
Confessional #25808808
All I want for Christmas is a maid and a personal chef. That's all I ask.
Confessional #25809553
All I want for Christmas is for anyone else in this household to lift a f***ing finger to help cook, clean, and keep the house running.
Confessional #25809285
We really don’t ask for much. We know you can’t actually get us a maid and a chef, but what can you do? Lend a damn hand. Encourage the kids to help out. Maybe splurge and hire a one-time cleaning service to scrub the house down. You’ll make her so happy.Honestly, it doesn’t take much to make a mom feel loved and appreciated. A cute new comfy sweater and warm socks might do the trick. Or a day to herself where she can escape to her room and read that new book she’s been eyeing. But when you do nothing and the kids do nothing, it stings. It makes us hate Christmas. And we don’t want to hate Christmas. We want to keep showering our loved ones with the magic … if someone could just sprinkle a little bit on us, too.