12 Frog Coloring Pages That Are Toad-ally Ribbeting

If you want to teach your kids about one of the coolest animals in existence, look no further than the humble frog. Did you know that evidence suggests frogs have been hopping around Earth for more than 200 million years? That’s right! They roamed the planet at the same time as dinosaurs. Today, more than 6,000 species of frogs exist worldwide. So, yeah, frogs deserve all the hops — we mean props. That’s why we decided to round up a collection of super-fun frog coloring pages.
The free printables make the perfect at-home activity for kids, especially ones who have an affinity for amphibians. Even better? The fun doesn’t have to stop with our froggy friends. Once your little one finishes these pages, they can leap over to our nature coloring pages, butterfly coloring pages, fish coloring pages, and turtle coloring pages.
Free Frog Coloring Pages
Frog No. 1
Whoa, look at this guy! He may look pretty big, but he’s probably tiny compared to the world’s largest frog: the goliath frog of West Africa. Total whoppers, these frogs can grow to 15 inches and weigh up to seven pounds. Fun fact: Asian tea frogs make their nests above water, so when their tadpoles hatch they can fall right into the water.
Frog No. 2
My, what big eyes you have, Mister Frog! Maybe that’s so these amphibians can see better at night — they boast excellent night vision. And thanks to a frog’s bulgy eyeballs, they can see all around them. Well, almost. Frogs can see in front of themselves, to their sides, and even partially behind themselves. And about once a week, frogs shed their old dead skin and eat it. Although strange at times, in ancient Egypt frogs were considered a sign of life and fertility. They also have an Egyptian frog goddess named Heget who represents life.
Frog No. 3
This guy appears to be pretty darn relaxed. Maybe he’s resting, though. It must take a lot of energy to leap the way frogs do! Their big feet and legs can propel them more than 20 times their body length. There is also a species of frogs that has translucent skin. In glass frogs, you can see their hearts beat and food being digested in real-time. It’s pretty cool.
Frog No. 4
Check out the chompers on this one. While you may never catch a glimpse of ’em, frogs do have teeth. They’re not quite as prominent in real life as in this picture, but most frogs do have them on their upper jaw. They don’t use their mouths to drink water. Frogs actually drink water with their skin!
Frog No. 5
This frog looks entirely innocuous. Sweet even! But some frogs exist that pose a risk to humans. For example, merely one gram of the toxin secreted by the golden poison dart frog’s skin could kill 100,000 people. Frogs are also as old as dinosaurs. Their existence dates back more than 200 million years.
Frog No. 6
You may be thinking, Wait, so what’s the difference between a toad and a frog? Well, here’s an interesting fact for you: Toads are frogs! The word “toad” typically describes frogs with dry and warty skin, like this guy.
Frog No. 7
Perhaps this frog belongs to the red-eyed tree frog family. What gives it away? This type of frog lays its eggs on the undersides of leaves hanging above the water. When the eggs hatch, the little embryos drop right into the water below.
Frog No. 8
Nom, nom, nom — frogs love a good meal full of insects. Wondering how a frog actually drinks water, though? They don’t in the traditional sense. Frogs absorb water through their skin.
Frog No. 9
Kids love frogs no matter what size they are. But if you have a bit of a frog phobia, you probably prefer the smaller versions of these amphibians. If that’s true, the Cuban tree toad is destined to be your favorite frog species — one of the smallest species of frogs, it only grows to half an inch long.
Frog No. 10
How old do you suppose this frog is? You may not be able to tell, but people who study frogs (AKA herpetologists) have a fascinating aging method for frogs. Each year when a frog hibernates, its bones form a new ring. And just like scientists do with trees, they can count these bone rings to determine a frog’s age.
Frog No. 11
Here’s a fun and slightly strange fact: Did you know dart frogs lay their eggs on the ground so they can stand guard? They also pee on their eggs to keep their babies moist. Some mommy frogs even give their babies unfertilized eggs to eat if there isn’t enough food.
Frog No. 12
This frog looks like it’s made of diamonds and crystal. It even seems worthy enough to be kissed by a princess! Did you know the fairytale, The Frog Prince was written in 1812?
Click here to print all of the frog coloring pages at once!
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