Hero 5-Year-Old Bikes Through Freezing Rain To Get Help For His Dad

A brave five-year-old boy was found late at night, bicycling alongside a busy road in the rain because his father was having a heart attack.
A brave but terrified five-year-old boy is a hero this week after bicycling nearly two miles in the freezing rain to get help because his father was having a heart attack. Also a hero this week is the French farmer who spotted the rain-soaked five-year-old bicycling alongside a highway at 10:30 at night, thought to himself, “Well that’s obviously not right,” and pulled over to help.
According to the BBC, it was raining and windy and freezing cold on Wednesday night when Jean-François Pinot spotted five-year-old Kevin Djene riding a bicycle as fast as he could, wearing only pajamas and bedroom slippers.
Pinot stopped to ask what was wrong, and poor, panicked Kevin Djene was in such a state of shock that he could barely explain what was happening. He told Pinot that his dad was dead, at which point Pinot immediately called the police and brought the boy into the truck to warm up.
The little boy said that his father had collapsed unconscious right in front of him and his two-year-old sister, and that he had gotten on his bicycle to go get his mother, who was at work. He’d reportedly bicycled 1.8 miles before Pinot found him.
The poor, terrified kid had a difficult time explaining exactly what had happened, but police were eventually able to get his address and bring him to his house as quickly as possible. That’s when it turned out the story had a happy ending, because the little boy’s father was not actually dead, just unconscious. He was rushed to the hospital, where doctors were able to save him.
“This little boy is incredible,” the driver said, according to The Local. “What he did was very smart. His mother called me to thank me and tell me that her husband was out of the hospital. I had tears in my eyes. It’s a beautiful shining light in our world.”
It’s terrifying to imagine one’s small child in that position. He must have been so scared, but still he jumped on his bike and rode away to get help. Kevin Djene is an extremely brave little boy.
Accidents can happen to even the most careful and prepared of families. Nobody wants to think about tragedies befalling them, but heart attacks, seizures, and other accidents can happen with no warning at all, so it’s very important to start talking to kids about what to do in an emergency as early as possible. Even small kids need to know how to dial 9-1-1 or which neighbor to run to if they ever need help. We always hope they’ll never have a reason to use those skills, but as you can see from stories like this, they just might save the day.