8 Fox Coloring Pages Perfect For Your Cute Little Kit

Foxes are one of the best animals ever. If you had the distinct joy of growing up in the ’80s and ’90s, your first introduction to this clever creature was likely similar to ours: Swift the fox from the Nickelodeon cartoon David the Gnome. Swift was David’s primary form of transportation as well as his dear friend. And while it goes without saying that we’d never approach a fox in the wild, we’ll always think of them fondly. Did we mention they’re also very fun to color? Fox coloring pages are great for adults and kids since they’ll help make your fox friend come to life.
Another good thing about foxes? Their coats. Not too many animals are quite as beautiful, with their rusty red and orange fur. Many foxes also have black coloration to their ears and legs. That means that fox coloring pages will often use up quite a wide array of colors from your colored pencil set.
Here are some very cute fox coloring pages for your family — perfect for, well, anytime! But they’re especially ideal for whenever boredom strikes. These cute printables will keep everyone in your house occupied. Once you’re done with them, you can try our coloring pages on spring, flowers, and hearts.
Free Fox Coloring Pages
1. Fox
This fox looks a lot like Swift — loyal, friendly, and quick. This sweet drawing would look cute on the fridge or hanging up on a corkboard in your child’s room, both of which are sure to add a pop of color and promote creativity. Fun fact: Foxes use the earth’s magnetic pull to help them hunt for food.
2. Happy Fox
Much like this picture, foxes are actually pretty friendly creatures. They’re often described as super playful creatures and known for swiping balls from golf courses or backyards. For coloring beginners, this may be an easier design. This will help younger children learn to color in the lines (even though they totally don’t have to!). With free fox coloring pages like this, you can let your little one’s imagination run wild and see what they do with the image provided. Remember, there are no rules in coloring. It should be a way to set your mind free and relax.
3. Woodland Fox
It seems a little ridiculous, but c’mon… if this fox showed up at your door, you may be tempted to let them in and join you for dinner. And if you happen to be eating rabbits, rodents, or birds for your main course, they’d happily oblige.
4. Lady Fox
This feminine fox looks sweet and polite. So if you have room at your dinner table, she might want to swing by as well. Both male and female foxes, known best as dogs and vixens, have similar coloration. And just look at her ears! Some say foxes can hear so well, they can pick up a watch ticking almost 40 yards away.
5. Fox Wearing a Mask
This fox is really down with the times. Wearing masks outside has been a practice that we’ve all been working hard on this past year as we adapt to social distancing measures. It’s a great way to keep others safe while trying to re-establish our typical everyday activities and is genuinely just polite. So, it seems obvious that this fox cares about your health! For that reason, we think this would be a great printable for a classroom. Each child can get creative in figuring out what kind of mask to color in. Since there are so many fun varieties, they might want to make more than one.
6. Cute Fox
This fox looks like it came straight out of Animal Crossing. Charming and kind, this is one of the many fox coloring pages that can let you get really creative. Can you imagine what this fox would look like if colored purple or blue? It seems to have an area that resembles hair, meaning that you can make this one incredibly dynamic. Maybe it’s a red fox with blonde hair? The possibilities are endless with this fellow!
7. Cartoon Fox
This fox seems a little more like he came out of a children’s folklore book from back in the day. Cute and a little mousey, it’d be hard not to feel lucky if you saw a sly guy like this run through your backyard. This is another great drawing that can take on many colors. It may also be a great jumping-off point for teaching your kiddo how to draw a fox and about the fennec fox. This breed is the smallest and is about the size of a kitten. Fennec foxes are no more than three pounds and live in the Sahara Desert. But if you ever visit California, keep an eye out for the Sierra Nevada red fox. They are one of the rarest mammals in North America and currently have a population that’s less than 50.
8. Fox With Flowers
Finally, for the more advanced artist in the family, this fox surrounded by a field of gorgeous flowers will keep your budding artist occupied for a long time. Bonus: Drawings with detail like this are great for helping battle anxiety and depression, which many of us are unfortunately familiar with.
Click here to print all of the fox coloring pages at once!
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