It's PSL Season, B*tches: 6 Reasons Fall Is The Best Season Of All

Okay, full disclosure: I love Christmastime, the holiday season and all the warm cuddly messages that come with it. I’ve been called a Christmas slut and piss people off by decorating too early, but I simply love it. Not to mention the exchanging of presents, the watching of magical movies, and soaking in all the joy.
But then, it’s followed by a new year and chased with expectations. As soon as we wake up from our holiday hangovers we are bombarded with new year’s resolution pressures and bitterly cold weather that makes you want to hibernate for four months. Not so magical, is it?
For me, I’ve always felt like I’m more capable of fresh starts and reinventing myself when things turn a bit chilly in autumn. It’s when I’m most motivated to try (though I always fail hard) to kick my Diet Coke and my just-popping-in-to-see-what-Target-has addictions.
Cleaning up your act isn’t as inviting when it’s cold as fuck and you’ve come down from a cookie high and you are still reeling in the post-holiday chaos that laying all around your house. That’s why there’s nothing like the magic of back-to-school time, and here’s why:
1. School starts and you’re in a routine.
The kids are in school all day (fuck yes!). They are starting a new chapter in their lives and it’s only natural for us to want to follow suit. You aren’t worried they have their nose in their devices all day, there’s less mess around the house, and you are forced back into a routine whether you are ready or not.
2. You want to get organized.
Maybe it’s the smell of school supplies, or the fact you are indoors a bit more and still have energy. Or maybe it’s because it doesn’t get dark at 4:00 in the afternoon but the heat has fizzled a bit. Whatever it is, this is the time of year I find myself digging through the closets and getting rid of all the extra shit that clutters my vibe.
I’ve always felt like I’m more capable of fresh starts and reinventing myself when things turn a bit chilly in autumn.
3. Falling leaves are a beautiful thing for so many reasons.
The leaves changing colors and falling is a beautiful way to remind us to shed what’s expired in our lives, and how freeing it can be to just let go of heavy mindsets or people who drain us.
4. Can we please talk about the fashion?
There is nothing better than sweater weather. Or not having to worry about a damn summer body. Beanies are acceptable to wear now and we love that for those days when dry shampoo doesn’t do the trick. Bust out the boots, jeans, and flannels. Go without a bra — no one can tell under that bulky sweatshirt anyway. It really is the coziest time of the year. Also, people who shave their legs or pits get to give the razor a break.
5. It’s a glorious in-between time.
There’s no plowing, or snow removal to contend with. You don’t have to mow or weed any longer because the foliage and grasses are about to put themselves to bed. There’s a nip in the air and you can still enjoy the outdoors without your snot freezing. On the flip side, the boob sweat is gone, your ass crack isn’t sweating, and chafing is under control again. PHEW.
6. It’s motherfucking PSL and baking season.
The air is sweet and fresh. The fall scented candles and lattes leave you drunk with pleasure. And don’t get me started about how delicious it is to walk by a bakery and smell the cinnamon-laced goodness of all things apple or pumpkin spice.
This is the time of year when people want to nest, bake, have get togethers around a fire, and unleash their inner Martha Stewart while harvest season is in full swing.
It’s not too hot to turn on the oven, and we trade our grills for slow cookers.
Bring on the casseroles, the thick socks, and the baking. If you ask me, there’s nothing more magical than my kids being occupied all day, not freezing or sweating my ass off, and indulging in sweet treats because bathing suit season is in the rear view mirror. There is enough daylight to give us energy and we aren’t quite into hibernation mode, but have a feeling of wanting to slow down a bit to enjoy how nostalgic fall really is.
Autumn is, in so many ways, the true shedding of the old as we start a new beginning.
This article was originally published on