D.C. Restaurants Are Providing Free Food For March For Our Lives Protesters

These vendors will provide free and discounted food for marchers
As everyone knows, “March For Our Lives” events are happening worldwide today, Saturday, March 24, and nowhere are these marchers more needed than in Washington, D.C.
It’s where many survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School will be leading the way, as they have done since 17 innocent lives were taken in their hallways on February 14. And as they do there thing on Saturday, there’s a number of businesses stepping up in solidarity to make sure they’re all fed and watered.
Thousands of students and their families will descend upon DC this weekend demanding something, anything be done to address the gun control issue in this country. We all could (and will) learn a lot from their passion and determination to get shit done.
Restaurants up and down the nation’s capital will be offering free or discounted food to marchers and activists and to make sure everyone knows exactly where they’ll be, they’ve started a movement of their own called “Food For Our Lives” on social media.
“We wanted to be able to provide something to people making an effort and going out there and speaking up,” Mallory Finnigan, general manager at the new-American eatery The Pig,” told TODAY. “People just flood down 14th Street. We wanted to get a chance to feed them and to do something to show our solidarity.”
And others are joining en masse because they’re also awesome and it’s the right thing to do. Odds are there will be others joining, so check FoodForOurLives.com for more details about participating restaurants over the weekend.
In addition, all EatWell group restaurants in the area (including The Bird, Grillfish, Comissary, and Logan Tavern) will be offering specialty cocktails (for those participants 21 years of age and older, of course). They best part? All proceeds will go to Everytown for Gun Safety.
And it’s not just DC — there are 800 locations worldwide, including New York, San Francisco, London, Tokyo, Dallas, and so many other major cities that will be hosting marches over the weekend. These folks won’t just need food, they will need all sorts of help.
Luckily many other businesses are stepping up to help.
Lyft, the rideshare service announced they will be giving demonstrators free rides to all “March for Our Lives” events on Saturday.
And if that isn’t enough, of course a group of moms got together and organized free places to stay for participants in DC March for Our Lives Lodging is “a network of DC metro area moms” who have been working for weeks to connect marchers with local host families who will open their doors so they have a place to stay.
It just goes to show when we all work together for a common cause, great things will happen.