Survey Says... These Family Feud Questions Will Make For An Epic Game Night

You probably enjoy watching “Family Feud” with your kids. Who doesn’t? Settling down together on the couch and zoning out for some laughs is an amazingly relaxing way to unwind with the fam. Even more fun, though, is playing your own version of the game together. Whether your survey questions are centered around your actual family or based on actual surveys, you’re still guaranteed to have a ton of fun.
If you’ve ever watched family feud, you’ll see just how hilarious Steve can be. Between the outlandish answers, naughty categories, and miscommunication, the show is an absolute riot. Luckily you can bring that same amusing and comical energy to your own home. Let’s face it: None of us will ever be Steve Harvey. That doesn’t mean we can’t have a blast just pretending, though… especially in the name of family entertainment. Here’s everything you need to put together your own version of “Family Feud.” (Wild suit not included.)
Interested in more games to play with the whole family? Check out our minute to win it games, farm games, musical games, and more!
RELATED: 20+ Popular Board Games To Spice Up Regular Family Game Nights
DIY Family Feud Prep
1. Gather Up Surveys
There are tons of surveys on the internet. You can find everything from the internet’s favorite dog breeds to rankings of the most popular celebrities or Coke products. We can’t guarantee that they’re all scientifically performed, but they exist none-the-less. Another option is to create your own. Who is everyone’s favorite aunt? What are the top picks for your next family vacation? Spend some time getting to know your family’s preferences and loop in extended family, even if they’re not coming to play.
2. Create An Answer Sheet
The host (probably you) will not only need the questions to ask players, but also the top five answers. Make sure you’re ready to celebrate with your fam when they get the right answer and sulk when they don’t.
3. Find Team Buzzers
How will teams ring in with the right answer? Hand over the stray jingle bells or your toddler’s xylophone. You can have each team use the same sound, but it might help you filter through the chaos if each team’s “buzzer” sounds different.
4. Figure Out How You’ll Play
Will you use a giant chalkboard and dry erase board to write the answers, cover them up and then reveal them once they’ve been used? Perhaps you’ll use post-its to mark wrong answers with strikes? You might even decide to play without the visuals and just have the host keep track of right and wrong answers, as well as team’s points. There’s really no wrong way to play.
How to Play Family Feud
1. Read the question and let a leader from each team give their answer.
2. Whichever leader gives the highest scoring (most popular) answer gets to decide if their team will play through the survey or pass it off to the other team. 3. Without consulting one another, the members from the playing team must try to guess the other answers on the board. Each time they get one wrong, their team earns a strike. 4. Points are awarded based on how many people chose the selected answer. (For instance, if 10 people chose one correct answer and 4 chose another correct answer, the playing team would have 14 points.) 5. If the playing team earns three strikes, the opposing team can steal the survey and their points by offering up a correct answer. 6. After playing through the predetermined number of rounds, the team with the most points is the winner.
Survey Questions
1. Most popular car color
2. Most popular dog names 3. Most popular family pet 4. Favorite dinner option (this could be family specific or not) 5. Favorite ever family vacation 6. Preferred next vacation 7. Favorite movie to watch as a family 8. Name a type of fruit/vegetable/breakfast food 9. Name something most people only do once a week 10. What is something everyone does once a day? 11. In which place are you told to use your inside voice? 12. Name a kid’s game teens and adults still enjoy playing. 13. What would you find in a haunted house? 14. What would you find in a home medicine cabinet? 15. What would you find at the North Pole? 16. What makes you healthy and strong? 17. What are things that are at the beach? 18. What do you do on a summer day? 19. Name a “throwback” TV show that teens love to watch. 20. After you take a selfie, what might you do with it?
Or check out this gigantic list of survey questions that already have answers.
This article was originally published on