You're Gonna Freaking Love This Pig, I Swear

I literally just spent the last two hours watching Esther The Wonder Pig videos with my daughter, and my stomach hurts from laughing at this amazing creature. Folks, this is no ordinary pig. No sir, Esther lives the high life and has a better wardrobe than I do. She has a comfy bed inside a house she shares with her two dads and eats homemade, gourmet meals. Wilbur would be so damn jealous.
Esther is allowed to have friends over whenever she pleases and clearly has the run of the house. And it is the most adorable thing to watch.
I’m telling you, if seeing a pig eat peanut butter toast doesn’t brighten your day, nothing can.
And have you ever seen a pig enjoying a mint while sleeping? I am crying…
But my all-time favorite is watching Esther open the screen door. Apparently she met some peeps, and they are ready to come in and party.
Esther’s slogan: “Be The Reason Someone Smiles” is the best thing I’ve seen on the internet in a long time. With over a million followers on Facebook, she is spreading the love and laughter and warming the hearts of many. This pig is truly living her best freaking life.
Esther was adopted by her two dads Steve Jenkins and Derek Walter in 2012. Neither one having any idea it would be a life-changing experience. After Esther grew to be 600 pounds (surprise!), Jenkins and Walter knew it was time to move from their small apartment to something that would provide Esther with the space she needed. So in 2014, they bought a farm in Ontario, Canada, and named it Esther Farm Sanctuary. It’s a place where Esther and all her other animal friends are able to roam, frolic, and play — in between signing autographs and working on her latest project, “Life According To Esther.” This will be a way to catch a glimpse at behind-the-scenes footage of the Wonder Pig and will include some of her favorite recipes.
Their story is beautifully told in their New York Times Best-Seller Esther The Wonder Pig. The pair also have a children’s picture book coming out in March, The True Adventures of Esther the Wonder Pig.
Esther’s adventures don’t stop with television shows and books either. This sweet pig even hosts a seven-day cruise with Carnival Cruise Lines which will be happening in February 2018. The luxury vacation comes complete with an “Esther Approved” menu, guest speakers, pub crawl, and film screening. And OMG, I feel like I need to be there.
The best part? All proceeds go to the animal residents living at Happily Ever Esther Farm Sanctuary, a charity registered in Canada. If I am going to go on a cruise, I definitely want it to be with the world’s most lovable creature, while also helping other animals. Talk about a win-win, folks.
Her page is witty, heartwarming, and exactly what many of us need in our life right now.
So if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got more pig videos to watch because life is awesome, and I want to squeeze Esther in real life.
This article was originally published on