Out of My Mind Is A Coming-Of-Age Story That Will Make You Laugh, Cry, & Everything In Between

As parents, we know how incredible it is to watch a kid come into themselves in small ways: finding the guts to ask a question in front of the class, deciding to do something on their own and then actually doing it, joining a group activity after a long time spent watching from the sidelines. And man — it always gets us.
This feeling permeates Out of My Mind, a new original movie on Disney+. The story centers on Melody Brooks, a funny and whip-smart sixth grader who has cerebral palsy and as a result, uses a wheelchair and is non-speaking. The movie follows the spunky protagonist as she joins a mainstream classroom for the first time, finally getting the chance to show her peers just how much she has to offer.
Melody’s charm is on display from the very beginning (fun fact: since she can pick any inner-voice she wants in the movie, she picks Jennifer Aniston’s) — she’s truly a teen we’d love to see our own kids hang around with. And lucky for her, she’s got a solid family unit in her corner. Melody’s parents know what a great student she is, but they worry about all the changes that will come with integrating her into a traditional classroom. And like all parents ever, they can’t quite believe just how fast she’s growing up.
At its core, Out of My Mind is a coming-of-age story — one that pulls at our heartstrings as we get to watch an awesome kid start becoming who they’re going to be. After all, Melody’s story is universal: Sixth grade is always a time of transformation. It’s also a time when seemingly little things — like making a boy laugh or joining a school competition — feel charged and vital. And we can’t wait to watch Melody experience it all.
Out of My Mind hits Disney+ on November 22nd, just in time for a cozy family movie night. In the meantime, keep scrolling to get to know the instantly iconic cast of characters!