Naomi Campbell Is A Proud Mom As Daughter Takes Her First Steps
The supermodel posted sweet photos of her 1-year-old traipsing across the grass.

There are a handful of moments in that first year of parenting that startle you out of your sleep-deprived state and reveal the miraculous nature of your child’s existence: first smile, first laugh, first steps.
Supermodel Naomi Campbell, 52, with a face recognized the world over, has been private so far about her daughter, whose arrival she announced without any prelude last May. But even ethereally beautiful mothers experience the trials and triumphs of Year One, and the simultaneous swell of pride and pull of separation that comes from watching the little being that holds your heart walking without assistance.
It’s easy to see why the fashion legend couldn’t resist sharing such a moment with the world, because the pictures are just so perfect. Campbell posted two sweet shots, showing her and her daughter holding hands and walking towards the sunset across the lawn of a leafy garden. The little girl is wearing a colorful track suit and sneakers, a white bow adorning the back of her head. Her mother is the image of casual grace in black leggings, a sweater and tennis shoes — her long, straight hair hanging down her back, echoing the boughs of the nearby willow tree.
“My Love, My heartbeat First Steps walking ❤️❤️ ❤️,” wrote Campbell alongside the photos.
Although she appears ageless, Campbell was 50 when she revealed the news of her daughter’s arrival. Keeping the birth details, and her daughter’s name, private, Campbell told British Vogue in February, “she wasn’t adopted.”
“She is the biggest blessing I could ever imagine. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done,” Campbell said.
Before she’d even taken those first steps, the baby had appeared on her first magazine cover, gracing the issue of British Vogue — in her mother’s arms, of course.
Speaking of the shoot, Campbell said of her daughter, “She loves the light. She’s inquisitive. She was looking at everyone – she looks at people right in the eye and for a very long time. She was taking it all in.”
While she’s no longer a teen rising to fame, Campbell’s energy remains fervent, whether for the runway or chasing an infant, which she explained that she manages with the help of a nanny who is “an amazing lady.”
“I’m like a kid again. I’m reliving nursery rhymes, playing and discovering how many great new toys there are out there in the world! And dolls! Things I couldn’t even dream of.”
When asked what had most surprised her about motherhood, Campbell said, “Everything I do, I do for her – that’s it.”