Kevin Hart And The Rock Clash Over Whether Pets Should Have Birthday Parties
The two superstars discuss all their pet preferences ahead of their new movie, DC League Of Super-Pets.

Ever wonder how superstar dads parent their pets? Kevin Hart and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, dropped in on Scary Mommy yesterday to give us the full scoop on how they approach being dog dads. The iconic duo sat down with us for a game of “Yay or Nay” concerning pet preferences to promote their new movie, DC League Of Super-Pets, and the answers were, as you would guess, hysterical.
The pair of A-list entertainers clashed on some issues, like whether pets are allowed to sleep in bed with you, but were in agreement over other issues — like that it’s okay for pets to wear clothes but decidedly not okay to use a dog stroller.
Before starting the game, Dwayne, or “DJ,” as he coined himself, gloats, “Me and Scary Mommy go way, way back,” and that he “brought Kevin along” this time.
The playful banter started as soon as they sat, and it flowed right into the game with their first question asking, “Birthday parties for your pet, Yay or Nay?”
While Kevin answered “Nay,” explaining that he’s never done it before, Dwayne responded, “I’ll say ‘Yay,’ I’ve done it, because I care about my kids, and they really have a good time, and they’re like, Hey daddy can we have a birthday party for [the pet], and I’m like, Yup, absolutely.”
Kevin then jokingly tested Dwayne’s knowledge regarding this dog and asked him when his birthday was, to which he replied in a not-so-convincing way that it was yesterday.
Johnson then turned the tables on Kevin, commenting that he “marginalizes his dogs” because he doesn’t celebrate their birthdays, to which they both burst into laughter, and Kevin rebutted, “every day is a celebration.”
They both agreed that clothes on pets were a ‘Yay’ for climate reasons — and keeled over in their chairs in laughter when asked if they think people look like their pets.
“Have you ever seen Hobbs [Johnson’s dog]? You gotta see him,” Kevin answered through laughter, while Dwayne could barely get a breath in to give a snarky response.
When it came to letting pets sleep in bed with you, Kevin quickly pointed to Dwayne, saying, “big ‘Yay’ over here,” while Dwayne denied it, admitting that Hobs is gassy. Kevin agreed with the Nay and proclaimed, “No dogs in the bed, not in the bed. They are licking their a**. They can’t be in my bed.”
Hart has two dogs — a Doberman Pinscher and a mini-pinscher. Roxy is 7 and Riggs is 12. And if this Instagram post from 2016 tells anyone anything, it’s that he’s had a change of opinion about dogs in his bed sometime in the last few years.
Johnson has two French bulldogs, Hobbs and Brutus, who were adopted in 2015.
Before wrapping up the game, The Rock shared parting words in true “Cuddles McGee” form, as Kevin calls him: “Scary Mommies, thank you so much, we had a blast, can’t wait for you guys to see the movie Super-Pets and we’ll see you down the road.”
“Scary Mommies, aka the strongest people on the planet, because without you, well, there would be no us. It just makes me smile that you guys come together on a platform with so much positivity and impact. Thank you for supporting our film. I can only support you in return,” Kevin said.
You can watch the full interview on Scary Mommy’s YouTube channel and catch Kevin and Dwayne’s new film, DC League Of Super-Pets, which opens in theaters nationwide on July 29.