How Much Would The 'Home Alone' Groceries Cost In 2023?
A TikTok user illustrated how expensive groceries are now by calculating how much Kevin McCallister would spend on food today.

If anyone plans to rewatch the classic 1990 Christmas movie Home Alone this holiday season, there is one scene surely to bring some curious questions to mind.
In the infamous grocery shopping scene, 8-year-old Kevin McCallister, portrayed by Macaulay Culkin, is shopping at a grocery store by himself since his family accidentally left him behind for their Paris holiday vacation. While they’re away, Kevin figures he should stock up on milk, eggs, and bread, among other grocery staples.
In the grocery store scene, Kevin hands a $20 bill to Sally, the store clerk, who was played by Tracy J. Connor, to pay the total of $19.83. (That total includes a $1 off coupon for Tropicana orange juice.)
Less than $20 for all those groceries seems incredibly far-fetched in today’s economy. So, how much would a similar grocery store order cost in the U.S. in 2023, at a time when inflation is still incredibly elevated?
One TikTok user, Geoffrey Lyons, did the math, and let’s just say — if Kevin was shopping today, he’d need more than a $20 bill.
First off, let’s list off what Kevin bought that day.
A TV dinner, a loaf of Wonder Bread, a frozen mac and cheese, a pack of saran wrap, one half gallon of milk, tide laundry detergent, toilet paper, a half gallon of orange juice, a pack of army men, a pack of saran wrap, and some dryer sheets for a total of $19.83.
Lyons then goes through each product Kevin bought and lists what that grocery item would cost today if he was shopping at Target.
“So, I broke it down,” he says. “$4.50 for the orange juice. $4.50 for the saran wrap. TV dinner: couldn't find the exact same one, so we did $5 for that one because it had the food inside.”
“$13.00 for the Tide. $3.00 for the Wonder Bread. $3.50 for the frozen mac. $4.60 for the milk. You got $8.79 for the dryer sheets. You got $8.00 for the toilet paper, and you got just $9.00 for the toy soldiers.”
So, how much would Kevin McAllister’s groceries cost in 2023? The bill would start at $63.73. Plus tax that would bring the grand total to $68.00 (after the $1.00 coupon, of course).
Lyons notes that’s a 248% percent increase in price.
“$100 bill is the new $20 bill,” one user commented.
“I bet the cashier’s wage is still the same in 2023 😂,” another joked.
Some followers were annoyed that Lyon’s used Target to compare pricing, noting that grocery stores like Aldi or Dollar Tree would obviously be cheaper.
“But you shopped at Target lol. Take me to Walmart’s lower prices 🎶 😂 it’s not much lower I know 😁,” one user said.
Another user asked, “What about 122.50 for 12 pizzas?” which is a nod to the beginning of the film when the McCalliser’s Little Nero’s order pizza dinner the night before they leave for their big trip.
While Kevin’s mom acts shocked at the price, Uncle Frank reminds her, “10 pizzas at 12 bucks!”
So, really, how much would that pizza order cost now?
A 14 inch and 16 inch large pepperoni pizza from Domino’s cost between $18-$22, so adjusting for inflation, the McAllister’s would have to shell out at least $216.00 for their order. Now, if we’re talking speciality pizzas or ordering from a higher-end pizza place, that cost would definitely go up.
Some things are scarier than being left home alone.
This article was originally published on