Ellen Responds To Trump's Viewing Of 'Finding Dory' Over The Weekend

Tone-deaf President watches movie about separated families after he separates families
Friday, January 27th, was Holocaust Memorial Day. So, naturally, because our country is being run on a “Hey, you know what that reminds me of” legislative process, Team Trump thought it would be a super good time to sign an order banning refugees and other immigrants from entering the United States. The president also thought that the following Saturday, a day when Americans all over the country were protesting his executive order, would be the perfect day to sit back, relax, and watch a little Finding Dory, a movie about a fish who is separated from her family.
One can only assume that after firing Sally Yates he popped some popcorn and put on Old Yeller.
Ellen DeGeneres, who is the voice of Dory in both Finding Nemo and Finding Dory, reacted to his choice on her talk show on Tuesday.
“I don’t get political,” Ellen said, “so I’m not going to talk about the travel ban, I’m just going to talk about the very non-politcal, family-friendly, People’s-Choice-Award-winning, Finding Dory.”
Here’s how Ellen non-politically explained the plot of the movie:
“Now, of course, Finding Dory is about a fish named Dory. And Dory lives in Australia and these are her parents. And they live in America. And I don’t know what religion they are but her dad sounds a little Jewish, doesn’t matter.”
Could be from anywhere. Moving on.
“Dory arrives in America with her friends Marlin and Nemo, and she ends up at the Marine Life Institute behind a large wall. And they all have to get over the wall. and you won’t believe it, but that wall has almost no effect on keeping them out.”
That’s right. Because when you want to get over a wall so that you can see your family again, you will do whatever it takes to get there, whether it’s by hiding, or digging underground, or riding over it in a bucket full of water toted by a probably-diseased bird named Becky.
Ellen continued:
“Even though Dory gets into America, she ends up separated from her family. But the other animals help Dory. Animals that don’t even need her. Animals that don’t even have anything in common with her. They help her even though they’re completely different colors, because that’s what you do when you see someone in need, you help them.”
That’s right — a Beluga whale, a group of sea otters, and an octopus are among the different kinds of animals that help Dory find her parents. Because issues like that aren’t matters of politics or policy, they’re matters of right or wrong, and that’s something even a sea otter understands (although, to be fair, sea otters are really smart).
Hopefully, as Ellen said in her closing, that’s the lesson that people who watch the movie take away from it. Unfortunately, it seems that those kinds of connections are not things our new president is well-versed in. Rosa Parks Day is coming up on February 4th — maybe some of Trump’s advisors could let him know this would not a be a good day to watch the last scene of The Graduate and tweet something like, “Watched The Graduate. Great movie. They didn’t seem to mind sitting at the back of the bus!” And February 15th is Susan B. Anthony’s birthday, which makes it a great day to not talk about how Elizabeth Berkley’s work in Showgirls was “underrated.”
Call us, Donald. We have suggestions.