Elizabeth Warren Won The Debate Last Night. Period.

Elizabeth Warren completely obliterated the rest of the field in a delicious debate performance
During last night’s Democratic debate, Elizabeth Warren proved she’s the one to beat with a kick-ass performance that left former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg sputtering and metaphorically de-pantsed on the stage. And, as always, the Twitter reactions did not disappoint.
If you watched Senator Warren‘s brilliant confrontations and detailed responses last night, you probably have Alicia Keys’ “Girl on Fire” playing on repeat in your brain and honestly, you’re not alone. From knocking the abysmal healthcare plans of Mayor Pete and Amy Klobuchar (the “it could fit on a Post-It” comment alone was enough to make this author feel an actual high) to wiping the floor with The Artist Formerly Known As Candidate Michael Bloomberg, Warren’s presence on stage gave us all the invigoration we sorely need right now.
Warren came out of the gate running with what would be the best clip of the evening: “I’d like to talk about who we’re running against: a billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse-faced lesbians. And no, I’m not talking about Donald Trump—I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg.”
That was just the beginning. She also went in on Bloomberg about the nondisclosure agreements his past employees signed regarding their allegations that the work environment he provided was hostile. She pushed him, on live national television, to release the women from their NDAs so they could come forward with their truth — you know, before some people choose to elect this man for the presidency.
“Mr. Mayor, are you willing to release all of those women from those nondisclosure agreements? So we can hear their side of the story?” What occurred next can only be described as the slow sliver of Bloomberg’s blackened soul leaving his body in real-time, because that guy was not prepared to have to answer for his actions. Which is ridiculous, but he’s a rich white man, so.
And, gentle Readers, Twitter — much like Warren herself — did not come to play. Please enjoy the following reactions, many of which are so good you might find yourself astral projecting into the heavens. (It’s been such a depressing few years, give yourself permission enjoy this even if the happiness only lasts for one day.)
“We are not going to beat Donald Trump with a man who has who knows how many nondisclosure agreements and the drip, drip, drip of stories of women saying they have been harassed and discriminated against,” Warren pressed Bloomberg, who basically had zero defense about his former female employees.
Also don’t forget: Bloomberg is transphobic and racist and implemented his horrific ideologies into policies that harmed many people in New York City, so just think about how the entire country could be affected by a Bloomberg presidency.
It’s… not great, folks!
Yesterday, Warren’s campaign had its best surge in fundraising to date, bringing in $2.8 million in just a single day. Ah yes, just take it all in. And then take that good feeling to her website and donate to her campaign, if you can.
This article was originally published on