Elizabeth Warren Sends Dinner To Bernie Sanders' Team After His Heart Procedure

Elizabeth Warren is just out here showing us that a presidential hopeful can be kind and empathetic
While Bernie Sanders is still hospitalized to recover from heart surgery, his opponent, Elizabeth Warren, is showing him and his team the kind of kindness we’re a little unaccustomed to associating with the presidency: She had dinner and cookies delivered to their D.C. office.
Mike Casca, one of Sanders’ communications officers, tweeted to thank Warren and her team for a very kind gesture that a certain person currently holding the office of president would be utterly incapable of doing.
“big thank you to @TeamWarren for sending dinner to our dc headquarters,” he wrote. “the team is very grateful (and started with the cookies first).”
TBH, if my boss were in the hospital like that, I’d probably have cookies before dinner too. No shame.
Sanders’ campaign announced Tuesday that it was canceling events and appearances so the 78-year-old presidential hopeful could have two stents placed to fix an arterial blockage in his heart. They’ve since said that although he remains hospitalized, he’s in good spirits and recovering well.
In addition to sending a meal and some treats, Warren sent a heartfelt message on Twitter from herself, her husband Bruce Mann, and the rest of her team.
“Bruce, Team Warren, and I are sending all our best wishes for a speedy recovery to @BernieSanders. I hope to see my friend back on the campaign trail very soon,” she wrote.
It’s just so utterly different from the kind of tweet you’d expect from Donald Trump in this situation, which would probably call Sanders a loser and blame him for his own health probably that was entirely unpreventable. Trump would probably also mention that time he released a letter from a doctor about his own “astonishing” good health, except it turned out that letter was fake and the doctor who supposedly signed it revealed that Trump wrote it himself.
The way Warren acted here is just proof that there doesn’t need to be all this vitriol and divisiveness in politics. If you remove the divisive man-baby from the situation, even political opponents can just act like adults. It’s a breath of fresh air to see it playing out even before the election, and while we’re still a little terrified of what 2020 will hold, this gives us hope that someday, we might have something capable of kindness back in our highest office again.