10 Dragon Coloring Pages That Make The Perfect Creative Quest For Kids

One of the joys of coloring is that there’s always something out there to color. Whether you invest in a book, find pages online, or even create your own coloring pages with a Sharpie and some computer paper, the possibilities are endless. For both kids and adults, dragons are especially fun to color. Why? We suspect it’s because you technically have permission to color them however you choose — you know, since they’re fictional animals and all. And while dragon coloring pages are all over the internet, we’ve curated a collection of especially magical ones for our readers.
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Printing out these dragon coloring pages will be a good distraction for kids if they’re looking to step away from screens for a little bit. Tell them it’s time for a fun quest! Although they’re also great to download and have on hand whenever you, yourself, are looking for creative ways to spend your time.
Free Dragon Coloring Pages
1. Dragon
This dragon is pretty cute and looks like he’s pretty friendly, as well. It’s a solid reminder that dragons don’t have to have fire breathing out of their mouths to be considered dragons. This guy looks like he’d be fun to talk to, right? Fun Fact! We know dragons are known for breathing fire, but did you know that some can blow ice? (Woah.) Bring this little dragon to life with some color, create his official backstory, and discover what he can do. What kind of dragon will he be? In Greek mythology there were four types of dragons: Dracones (serpents), cetea (sea dragons), dracaenae (female dragons), and chimeras (fire-breathing dragons).
2. Another (Super-Cute) Dragon
This dragon is very similar, but with a different pose. You can pretend this one is a sibling of the first. If you happen to have two kids, it’d be interesting to print these adorable dragon-siblings out and see your little siblings land on coloration and detail. Did you know that dragons, including this little cutie, symbolize wealth, power, and leadership? The word dragon comes from the Latin word, “draconem,” which means huge serpent. In Chinese culture, some dragons could even control the weather. They have been known to cause tidal waves, floods, and storms.
3. Pattern Dragon
This dragon is perfect for adults, and kids who need an activity to help keep anxiety at bay. Being able to focus on the small details inside is a good way to get your brain to calm down. But aside from being relaxing, coloring this dragon in will also be a great way to kill some idle time. During ancient times, one way to test a person’s bravery was to fight a dragon. We’re assuming the same applies for coloring one in, so draw valiantly my knight! This one might take a while. (But seriously, who’s complaining?) And if your kiddo is into Harry Potter, let them know they can use the heartstring of a dragon to power up their wizard wand.
4. Smart Dragon
A dragon with a book? How cool is that?! Reading is another great activity for kiddos so, in our opinion, this dragon coloring page is one of the best. Get creative with it by asking your child to choose which book the dragon is reading. Is it a classic novel, or is it a comic book? Let them pick a different title every time you print this page out.
5. Hatching Dragon
All dragons have to start somewhere. Sure, you may have had an inkling of what a dragon egg looked like if you watched a lot of Game of Thrones but, with dragon coloring pages, it’s all up to you to decide what this particular egg looks like. Silver and gold? Pink and purple? Black and red? The possibilities are endless. But if your kiddo wants to see an actual dragon, pull up a picture of the thorny devil lizard or a Komodo dragon. You will blow their minds!
6. Baby Dragon
Ever feel compelled to give a dragon a snuggle? We didn’t either — until this fabulous dragon coloring page, that is. This baby dragon has a world of exploring and adventure ahead of them; we’re sure of it. Did you know that Martin Luther King Jr. and Bruce Lee were born in the year of the dragon?
7. Fire-Breathing Dragon
Finally, a dragon with some fire! Fire is a little intimidating in person, but it’s a blast to color. Again, feel free to explore hues other than red, yellow, and orange. The dragon can be breathing a rainbow of fire if you wish! Fun fact: Eastern dragons don’t roar. They actually make noises that sound like bells or gongs.
8. Fire-Breathing Dragon (the Sequel)
Here’s another fire-breathing dragon. Our suggestion, though? If you color this cutie blue, you can also repurpose it as being “a dragon outside during a particularly chilly day.” (Sure, fire probably makes more sense, but it’s also good to foster your little one’s imagination.)
9. Dragon With Pencil
What’s this dragon going to write about? That’s up to you. This would be a great dragon for your children to color. Once they’re done, they could gift to a special school teacher who’s managed to hold things together this year. Even if they’re learning virtually, the teacher will likely find a great place in her home to hang it and proudly display it.
10. Chinese Ritual Symbol Dragon
Finally, this Chinese dragon is unlike all the rest — but that’s what makes him special and fun to color. This dragon may take some time to perfect, but once you’re done coloring it in, you’ll be so proud you did. In Chinese culture, dragons are a sign of good fortune. Fun fact: China has the most places named after dragons.
Click here to print all of the dragon coloring pages at once!
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