Look At This Disturbing As Hell Propaganda Art At The Immigrant Detention Centers

There are Donald Trump murals hanging in immigration detention centers.
This week, MSNBC correspondent Jordan Soboroff toured a detention center for detained child immigrants in Brownsville, Texas. His report was heartbreaking and deeply disturbing. There was overcrowding. Children were only allowed to go outside for two hours a day. The place ran like a prison. And in the backdrop of it all, hung Donald Trump murals. Yup, like straight up dictator propaganda art.
Soboroff said he was greeted immediately by one of the murals when he first entered the building. “One of the first things you notice when you walk into the shelter — no joke — a mural of Trump with the quote ‘sometimes losing a battle you find a new way to win the war,'” the journalist noted. “Presidential murals everywhere. But that one is 1st.”
That quote doesn’t come from a presidential speech. It comes from Trump’s book The Art of the Deal. He wrote it in the context of discussing his attempts to kick tenants out of rent controlled apartments. He fought that “war,” per Quartz, by “threats of imminent demolition,” “spurious litigation,” “drastic decreases in essential services,” “persistent delay in repairing defective conditions with life-threatening potential,” and “instructing employees to obtain information about the private lives (and) sex habits of the tenants.”
So, yup, it’s bad enough that Trump is featured like some sort of dictator on the walls of a detention center that he is forcing so many children into. Why not throw in a quote he used about kicking low income residents out of buildings? It’s only fitting.
According to San Antonio Express-News there are twenty murals of presidents total, one of which includes Barack Obama. The portrait of Trump, Senator Bob Menendez tweeted, is “Orwellian propaganda.”
“These children were torn from their mothers and shuttled into a de-facto prison, only to be greeted by a triumphant mural of the man who put them there,” Menendez wrote.
People across the internet were equally disturbed.
Government officials are attempting to call this place a shelter. One look inside and it’s clear that this place is far from qualifying as a shelter. The boys are stuck inside for 22 hours a day. They eat meals in shifts. They barely have any contact with the outside world.
“You know, Chris, I have been inside a federal prison before,” Soboroff told MSNBC. “I’ve been inside several county jails. This place is a called a shelter but effectively these kids are incarcerated.”