Ellen DeGeneres On Why She Won't Have Trump On Her Show: 'He's Against Everything I Stand For'

“He’s against everything that I stand for.”
One place you’re guaranteed never to see Donald Trump? On Ellen.
The show’s host, Ellen DeGeneres, took a strong stance when the Today show’s Matt Lauer asked her if she would ever have Trump on for an interview. She hardly paused before answering, “Um, no.”
Her audience immediately broke into laughter and cheers, but DeGeneres wasn’t doing it for the laughs. Asked by Lauer, “Why wouldn’t someone like you want to sit down opposite the president of the United States?” she didn’t pull any punches with her answer.
“Because I’m not going to change his mind,” she said. “He’s against everything that I stand for.”
And it’s true. DeGeneres is the embodiment of kindness, acceptance and compassion, all things Trump is demonstrably lacking. We can only applaud her for standing strong behind her own beliefs, not what would undoubtedly mean huge ratings for her show, because — let’s be honest — who wouldn’t tune in to see DeGeneres take on Trump?
It turns out that DeGeneres has met Trump before, but it was all the way back in the early days of The Apprentice, when he was still just a harmlessly brash reality TV star. She told Lauer she hasn’t spoken to him since he began his presidential campaign, because, off the bat, she saw how diametrically opposed his views were to hers.
“We need to look at someone else who looks different from us and believes in something that we don’t believe in and still accept them and let them have their rights,” she said.
It’s a little refreshing to see someone in the media freeze Trump out, instead of the other way around. But now that DeGeneres has taken this stance, we’re expecting a tweet from Trump any second now telling us how “BAD!” or “SAD!” she is. Our president, ladies and gentlemen.
H/T: The Daily Beast
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