
Donald Trump's Name Has Been Positively Invoked In 29 Acts Or Threats Of Violence

by Madison Vanderberg

New research shows that Trump’s name has been used in connection with 36 acts of violence, threats, or alleged assaults

In light of the recent mass shootings, one of which was directed specifically at Mexican immigrants by a gunman who boasted that his anti-immigrant views “predate Trump,” the world is calling upon Donald Trump to recognize that his words, rhetoric, and speech incite and encourage racist and xenophoic tendencies. In the last few weeks, Trump’s connection to white supremacy has been hotly debated between democrats and republicans, though most on the left see a clear link between Trump’s words and the uprising in acts of domestic terrorism. Trump continues to deny that he’s ever said anything to stoke racial tension in America and yet, new research shows that Donald Trump’s name has been positively invoked or praised in 29 cases of violence, threats of violence, or allegations of assault.

In a nationwide review conducted by ABC News, they found that the president’s name was mentioned or invoked in 36 acts of violence total. Only seven of those cases were in defiance of the president — the other 29 were acts or threats of violence where the perpetrator was echoing or praising the president’s rhetoric. In nine of those cases, the perpetrator hailed Trump during or immediately after physically attacking innocent victims. In 10 cases, the criminals defended Trump’s name while threatening others, and in an additional 10 cases, perpetrators cited Trump’s name in court by way of explaining or defending their behavior.

It’s important to note that this list only includes crimes where there is an explicit mention of Trump’s name in court or police documents — this list doesn’t include instances where a perpetrator might have only been wearing a MAGA hat. ABC News also made sure to point out that there were no criminal cases where an act of violence was made in the name of President Barack Obama or President George W. Bush.

Just last week, a man slammed a 13-year-old boy to the ground for not taking off his hat during the national anthem. The man’s lawyer stated in court that his client believed he was acting on orders from the president.

“His commander in chief is telling people that if they kneel, they should be fired, or if they burn a flag, they should be punished,” the man’s lawyer stated in court in defense of his client.

Despite evidence that Trump is literally inspiring acts of violence, the president refuses to see the connection.

“I think my rhetoric brings people together,” Trump said last week after the El Paso massacre, while adding that anyone who thinks his stance on immigration inspired the El Paso shooter’s anti-immigrant shooting spree is just “looking for political gain.”

ABC News has a detailed list of the aforementioned 36 cases.