11 Dolphin Coloring Pages For Kiddos To Dive Into

Flipper, Snowflake from Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Winter from A Dolphin’s Tale, Dan Marino — OK, so we’re kidding on that last one (not really), but the point is dolphins are so beloved that they’ve become embedded in pop culture. Even if your kiddo doesn’t know all of the above examples, they undoubtedly have a favorite dolphin character. Maybe it’s from a children’s book, cartoon, or family movie. Our point? Everyone loves dolphins. So, we decided to create a collection of dolphin coloring pages that every family member is sure to flip(per) over.
Bonus: Coloring is a fun activity that boasts numerous benefits for your child’s development. Sitting at the table to color means sitting still, following directions, and staying inside the lines. While engaged in this activity, your child learns things that prove useful in and out of the classroom. After all, you already know that “following directions” goes beyond coloring. Then, of course, there’s the need to stay inside the lines, which helps your child learn to focus, accept boundaries, and appreciate structure. It also improves their pencil grip and hand-eye coordination. That’s a lot to learn from one simple, quiet activity. And, yeah, coloring also enhances imagination, creativity, and self-esteem.
But how do you get your little wild animal interested in coloring and sitting down to do it? The key is to connect the activity with something that captures their interest. If they love the ocean and sea creatures, Mama, we’ve got you covered. These adorable dolphin coloring pages will definitely make a splash. And once you finish these, swim on over to our super-cute (and free) whale coloring pages, shark coloring pages, mermaid coloring pages, and fish coloring pages.
Free Dolphin Coloring Pages
Dolphin No. 1
Think dolphins only live in tropical environments? Think again! Bottlenose dolphin pods (that’s what you call a group of dolphins) have been found as far north as off the coasts of Scotland.
Dolphin No. 2
Dolphins aren’t even particularly partial to the ocean or saltwater. There are four different species of dolphins that live in the Amazon River in South America. And did you know dolphins have two stomachs? One is for food storage and the other is for digestion. Both of which they use when they eat fish — some of which they catch through a hunting technique called “fish-whacking.” It’s pretty much like it sounds, y’all. Dolphins use their tails to hit fish, stunning them enough to be caught and gobbled.
Dolphin No. 3
Dolphins can jet off in spurts of 30 miles per hour when they’re in a hurry, like while hunting or in danger. However, they usually cruise at a more leisurely pace of only two miles per hour. Some dolphins have important jobs to do, though, because the U.S. Navy trains them to protect nuclear weapons. They can also locate enemy divers and underwater mines.
Dolphin No. 4
So, you think you’re smart, huh? Well, so are dolphins. According to the World Wildlife Federation, dolphins in Western Australia’s Shark Bay have been observed using marine sponges to protect their noses while hunting for food around sharp rocks. That’s not very “fish-brained” at all. And here’s further proof of their intelligence: Dolphins name themselves. Their monikers are made up of whistles. Each dolphin recognizes its sound and the whistle-name of others.
Dolphin No. 5
Not only are dolphins super-smart, but they’re also very social. Researchers often “catch” dolphin pods chatting amongst themselves using clicks, screeches, squawks, whistles, and more. One thing is for sure: They know how to get their points across. Dolphins are also super caring mammals. They take care of their old, sick, and injured and have even been known to help humans in their time of need too.
Dolphin No. 6
That impressive language? It’s helped prove dolphins have incredibly long memories. Researchers have found dolphins recognize the calls of their “friends” even after two decades of separation. That’s most likely the longest memory in the animal kingdom.
Dolphin No. 7
Scientists believe that dolphins actually “hear” through their jaws and not their ears. Sound likely vibrates through the fatty substance found inside dolphins’ hollow jawbones — and that substance connects to the dolphin’s inner ear. Research solidified this theory when scientists realized that covering a dolphin’s ears had no impact on their response to sound, but that covering their jaw limited their response. If you think about how dolphins hear, it makes sense that underwater noise pollution poses an actual threat to their wellbeing. Sound from marine traffic, seismic surveys, and more can interfere with the dolphin’s ability to communicate.
Dolphin No. 8
Think pink dolphins only exist on Lisa Frank Trapper Keepers? Us, too! It turns out we were wrong, though. One of the species of river dolphins that lives in the Amazon River is pink. They’re called boto dolphins and look similar to bottlenose dolphins. Except, ya know, they’re pink.
Dolphin No. 9
Dolphins are often mistaken for sharks by beachgoers, thanks to their similar dorsal fins that frequently stick out above the water’s surface as they swim. Another strange feature they have is their teeth. Although they have them, they don’t use them to eat because they swallow their food whole.
Dolphin No. 10
Dolphins are also often mistaken for whales. However, orcas — or “killer whales” — are a dolphin and not whales at all! Possibly the oldest known orca? An orca named Granny that died in 2016 at the age of 105 (or 65, depending on who you ask). The oldest dolphin in captivity died at 61.
Dolphin No. 11
We all know some dolphins are show offs, but spinner dolphins take the cake. Can you guess how high they leap out of the water? The answer is 20 feet! They are also known for their twirls and flips.
Click here to print all of the dolphin coloring pages at once!
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