Dear New Mom: You'll Want To Remember Their Littleness

Dear New Mama,
Remember what this feels like.
Because I know right now, you’re having all the feels. And all the questions. And likely all the tears.
You’ve known what it feels like to be wanted. But now, you’re learning what it feels like to be THIS needed.
Your baby cries for you.
Your baby calms for you.
Your baby searches the room to nestle into his favorite spot that only belongs to you.
And even though it is hard. Maybe even the hardest hard, you’ll want to remember what this feels like. You’ll want to remember their littleness. You’ll want to remember your strength.
Because as time goes on as it’s sure to do, their littleness will change.
She will choose her own way.
He will start a fight.
She will run as fast as she can as you wish you could just slow. it. all. back. down.
But that’s not today.
Today, he finds his place in your familiar embrace.
Today, she’s captivated by you.
Today, he’s raising his voice to make sure everyone knows he belongs to you.
And you know as sure as she needs you to hold her, she’ll always hold her place in her mama’s heart.
And that’s what you’ll never forget —
His tiny fingers wrapping around yours.
You’ll remember her sweet smell.
And how you were able to carry on, despite it all —
When you were tired. And he was.
When you were changing. And she was.
When you were frustrated. And he was.
When you were comforted. And she was.
When you were settling into your new normal. And your precious babe was learning and growing along with you.
And you’ll look back into their beautiful eyes, and you’ll remember.
You’ll remember more sweetness than anything.
And as they get bigger, you’ll still catch a glimpse of the younger them in a smile.
You’ll watch another new mama unbuckle a car seat.
You’ll look up a baby registry and shop the newborn aisles.
And you’ll remember.
You’ll feel gratitude flood your heart.
You’ll remember exactly what this feels like.