'Dead To Me' Is The Hottest Thing On Netflix, Let Twitter Explain Why
If you haven’t been watching — or finished — Season 1 of the new Netflix show Dead To Me, get thyself to the nearest television STAT. Because this show is the guiltiest of guilty pleasures. Except without the guilt. Because it’s that damn good. It’s like a decadent piece of lava cake that just keeps on oozing chocolately, simple carb goodness with every bite. Yeah, like that.
In case you haven’t heard anything about it, the show starts Christina Applegate and Linda Cardelinni as two new friends who quickly bond in their grief support group. And oh yeah, there’s also some eye candy in the form of James Marsden, who’s also kind of a douche in the show — but hey, we can’t have everything.
So why is this show so fucking amazing? Well, since you asked…
First, Jen and Judy are the epitome of the ferocity that is female friendship.
Applegate gets real.
Like really real.
The show is dark in just the right way.
And then there’s Abe, sweet adorable Abe.
And yet it also manages to bring in the disaster that is putting raisins in every fucking thing.
There are twists and turns, dips and dives, and spirals and loop-di-loops. (Yes, I just said loop-di-loops.)
It gets under your skin and you can’t stop talking about it. Seriously. You talk about it to your spouse, your BFF, the mailman, your kids’ kindergarten teacher…
It takes priority over everything. EVERYTHING.
But before you start watching, make sure you’ve blocked out 5-6 hours because you will not be able to stop.
And when the fuck will we get Season 2? I mean, come on already!
Bottom line: Dead To Me showcases female badassery in all its glory. Amen. And hallelujah.
And seriously, when will we get Season 2?
This article was originally published on