200+ Cute Baby Nicknames For Your Little Munchkin (...Or Bug? ...Or Half-Pint?)

Picking just the right nickname for your baby might feel daunting. You want it to be just right… right? You probably still remember the nickname your paternal grandmother gave you that you absolutely hated. And yet, you also probably still love it when your mom or grandma calls you by the same pet names they’ve used with you since you were a tiny newborn. How do you compete with that? The truth is that you can’t. Those cute baby nicknames are special because they came from special people. And, honestly, they probably used those names because they’d heard them before — used by the people in their lives who were special.
For the most part, nicknames just happen naturally. Did you know that it’s rumored that Prince Harry’s nickname was “wombat” when he was a child? We don’t know enough about wombats to understand it. However, if the rumor is true, we’re certain it made sense to the royal family to call Prince Harry that. It happened naturally and lovingly. That’s what nicknames are all about.
That doesn’t mean you can’t eke them along, though. If for one reason or another your childhood was devoid of tender pet names, you might be at a loss for where to go. That’s not an uncommon occurrence! You don’t need to feel bad for not having that tradition to pass on. Think of it instead as an opportunity. You’ve been given a fresh chance to start your own loving nickname tradition with your precious baby girl or baby boy. Some baby nicknames are so cute that parents even use them as first names. Sure, sometimes they’re just shortened, one-syllable versions of their kids’ names. However, they’re often something sweeter and entirely unrelated to your child’s legal name.
Not sure where to start? Don’t stress, Mama; we’ve got a list just for you. These nicknames for your baby are as cute as a button. They’re often related to animals (because they’re cuddly) or food (because they’re sweet). And then there are some that are straight-up precious gibberish. So, try some of these on for size. Maybe one will stick — or maybe, in the nicknaming process, you’ll find one of your own.
Walt Disney Pictures/Buena Vista Pictures
Cute Baby Nicknames: Animals
- Bear
- Bug
- Bunny
- Doodlebug
- Duckie
- Funny Bunny
- Lady Bug
- Little Monkey
- Love Bug
- Monkey
- Scoobie
- Wiggle Worm
- Bee
- Chick
- Chickadee
- Chinchilla
- Cub
- Dove
- Firefly
- Guppy
- Honey Badger
- Kitten
- Kitty
- Lark
- Newt
- Pollywog
- Raven
- Swan
- Wildcat
- Wildebeest
- Cubbie Bear
- Doodle Bear
- Duckling
- Ducky
- Fuzzy Bear
- Fuzzy Bunny
- Giggle Bear
- Giggle Bunny
- Goosie Goose
- Huggy Bunny
- Lovie Dovie
- Monkey Doodle
- Moogie Bear
- Mouse
- Mousey Poo
- Poodles
- Pooh Pup
- Silly Bear
- Silly Goose
- Bean
- Cookie/Cookie Monster
- Cupcake
- Dumplin
- Honeybunch
- Pumpkin/Punkin
- Shortcake
- Small Fry
- Sprout
- Sweet Pea
- Sweetie Pops
- Sweetums
- Tater
- Chicken Nugget
- Nugget
- Apple
- Blueberry
- Bun
- Cheese Ball
- Cocoa Puff
- Cutie Pie
- Honey
- Honeybun
- Jellybean
- Lemon Drop
- Lollipop Muffin
- Lolipopsie
- Lolipoopsie
- Peachy
- Peanut
- Peanuthead
- Peppermint
- Babe
- Babyface
- Baby Girl/Baby Boy
- Babykins
- Bit
- Boop
- Bub
- Bubba
- Buddy
- Bum Bum
- Bump
- Chubs
- Chunk
- Cowboy/Cowgirl
- Cub
- Cubby
- Cutie Patootie
- Darlin
- Dear
- Digger
- Doodle
- Dozer
- Dude
- Fisk
- Gigglebutt
- Giggly Girl
- Half Pint
- Itty Bitty
- Kiddo
- Little Bit
- Little Guy
- Mini Me
- Munchkin
- Poopie Butt
- Poot
- Pootie Poo
- Poppet
- Snugglebutt
- Squirt
- Stormageddon
- Tiny
- Toots
- Chunky
- Cricket
- Pippin Plum
- Pudding
- Pudding Plum
- Snickerdoodle Sugar
- Sugarplum
- Sweetie Pie
- Waddles
- Whiz Kid
- Widdle Waddle
- Wiggle Bum
- Bambino
- Bambi
- Bearie
- Boo Boo Bear
- Bubba Bear
- Snow Bunny
- Snugabug
- Snugabunny
- Snuggle Bunny
- Squirrel
- Stinker Bear
- Tadpole
- Teddy
- Teddybear
- Thumbkin
- Tiger
- Tigger
- Toodle Bear
- Tootsie Bear
- Turtle
- Tweety
- Babykins
- Birdie
- Bitsy
- Bitsy Boo
- Blue Eyes
- Brown Eyes
- Bud Captain
- Cutie
- Cuddle Bug
- Cuddle Bunny
- Panda
- Pebbles
- Piglet
- Pony
- Rainbow
- Smiley
- Smoochey
- Smooches
- Ankle Biter
- Baby Cheeks
- Blondie
- Boop Boop
- Boo Boo Bunny
- Bubbles
- Bab
- Babushka
- Babyface
- Bubba Diddle
- Bubby Doo
- Bubby
- Bud
- Chickie
- China Doll
- Cowboy
- Cubster
- Cupie Doll
- Cupie
- Cutiekins
- Dearie
- Diddle Doo
- Diddles
- Doodlekins
- Doodles
- Doozer
- Dot
- Dynamo
- Giggles
- Half Pint
- Hobbit
- Huggy Buggy
- Itsy Bitsy
- Jazzy
- Jocko
- Juggernaut
- Kiddo
- Kiki
- Laddie
- Lagniappe
- Lass
- Lassie
- Lil’ Bit
- Scooby
- Scooby-Doo
- Scout
- Scrappy
- Scrappy-Doo
- Shortie
- Short Stuff
- Silly Willy
- Slugger
- Smoochie
- Sprinkle
- Squishy Star Bright
- Sweetcakes
- Sweetiekins
- Sweets
- Sweet Tater
- Sweet Treat
- Buck
- Buckaroo
- Bucky
- Bugabear
- Bugaloo
- Catfish
- Chipmunk
- Chunky Monkey
- Crickey
- Wiggly Butt
- Wookie Bear
- Wiggly Boo
- Wookie Snookie
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